Last updated on April 13, 2016

Assigning Roles

This article provides the instructions to assign roles to individual users or user groups in the Users extension.


You must be one of the following users:

  • Account Owner
  • Network Administrator

Assigning Roles to a Group of Users

Within the Users extension, it is possible to create groups with pre-defined and pre-assigned roles that users will automatically inherit when they are added to that group. The following steps will guide you through adding these roles to existing groups.

  1. Select the network the user group belongs to, and select the user group. Click the ‘Edit group’ button.

  2. In the Roles section, check the desired roles which will be inherited by users within this user group. Multiple roles may be selected for the group. Click Save to apply changes.


    When adding roles to a group that already contains users, these users will instantly and automatically inherit the newly added roles.

  3. Back in the Users landing page, users within the user group are assigned with the newly added roles.

Assigning or Editing Roles for Individual Users

  1. Navigate to the user group the user is in, and check the checkbox next to the user’s email. Click the ‘Assign user’ icon in the toolbar.

  2. In the Assign Role(s) window, check the checkboxes of the roles to assign to the user. Multiple roles may be selected for the user. Click Save to apply changes.

  3. Back in the Users landing page, the newly added roles are reflected in the user’s account.

Alternative Method

An alternate method to assigning user roles to a user account is by accessing the user’s profile page, and checking the checkboxes of the desired roles. Click Save to apply changes.