Last updated on March 13, 2015

User Profile (On-Premise)


This article looks at each user’s profile and the configurable fields for an on-premise instance of Appspace.

Accessing the User Profile

Step 1

To access the profile for the user that is currently logged into Appspace, begin by clicking on the user icon in the upper-right corner. From the drop-down menu, click on the username link (typically e-mail address).

Step 2

The Details tab should be the default page that presents the User Profile information. You have the ability to edit the various fields on this page, including the ability to change your account password. Once you have finished making the desired changes, be sure to click on the Save button to confirm the changes.

Step 3

The other tab accessible is the Roles tab. This tab will list various attributes associated with your account such as the Appspace instance name, group that the user belongs to, assigned role(s), and derived role(s).