Last updated on July 30, 2015

Getting Started with Device Tasks

Follow these quick steps to get started with the Device Tasks extension.

  • Understanding Tasks
  • Task Templates
  • Task Examples
  • Deployment and Response

Section 1: Understanding Tasks

A device task represents a specific action to be performed on the device and the resulting response from executing the task. Every command executed on the device via the Device Tasks extension is considered a task. These tasks are defined through the Device Tasks extension and are downloaded to the device for execution. The following tasks can be executed.

Monitoring Tasks

Monitoring Tasks is used to regularly query device attributes to effectively provide you with consistent periodic information about the device. Listed below are a few samples of monitoring tasks:

  • Get CPU Load
  • Get Memory Usage
  • Get Storage Usage
  • Get Total Uptime
  • Get Display Resolution

While the Device Tasks extension provides you a flexible framework to execute commands across a wide range of protocols, the command will need to exist on the device itself in order for it to be usable.

Advanced Tasks

Advanced Tasks represents a specific action (e.g. reboot device) to be performed on the device while having the Device Tasks extension display all resulting responses from the deployed task. Listed below are a few examples of advanced tasks:

  • Install Font Pack
  • Install/Update Device Driver
  • Deploy Firmware Update
  • Retrieve Logs
  • Reboot Device

Device Configuration Tasks

Device Configuration tasks allow you to apply configuration parameters and/or settings to a single device or group of devices within a network. Listed below are a few examples of device configuration tasks:

  • Set NTP Server Address
  • Set Proxy Server Address
  • Set Download Speed
  • Set Display Resolution
  • Set Display Orientation

Section 2: Task Templates

Task Templates are user-defined templates that contain commands to be executed on a device. Templates simplify the process of sharing complex commands, parameters or transform combinations as data can be easily migrated out of one Appspace instance and into another. You have the option of using the pre-configured task templates or importing your own.

Using the Pre-Configured Task Templates

Out of the box, the Device Tasks extension does not contain any task templates. However, there’s a collection of pre-configured task templates aimed to quickly help you configure and monitor your devices. Listed below are some selected task templates.

Monitoring Tasks

Name Target Description
Get Storage Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s storage space
Get CPU Usage Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s CPU usage
Get Current Date and Time Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s current date and time
Get Running Processes Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s current running processes
Get DMP MIB Property DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s specific MIBs property
Get WiFi Mode Edge 300/340 Get device’s WiFi mode
Get NTP Server Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s NTP server URL
Get Memory Usage Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Get device’s memory usage
Get OS Version Edge 300/340 Get device’s OS version

Advanced Tasks

Name Target Description
Delete System Logs Edge 300 Deletes the device’s system logs
File Transfer Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Transfers a file to a device
Get Download Manager Log Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Retrieves the device’s download manager log
Get Screenshot Edge 300/340 Retrieves the device’s screen output as a screenshot
Reboot Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Reboots the device
Send RS-232 Command Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Sends an RS-232 command from a device to a screen
Set DMP MIB Property DMP 4310/4400 Set a MIB property on a device
Switch Player Mode Edge 340 Switch between player and desktop mode

Device Configuration Tasks

Name Target Description
Set Display Resolution Edge 300/340 Sets the device’s display resolution
Set DMP A/V Settings DMP 4310/4400 Sets the device’s brightness, contrast, saturation etc
Set DMP HDMI Auto-detection DMP 4310/4400 Sets the device’s HDMI auto detection mode
Set NTP Server Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Sets the device’s NTP server URL
Set Proxy Server Edge 300/340, DMP 4310/4400 Sets the device’s Proxy server URL

Click here to download the collection of pre-configured task templates.

Importing a Task Template

After you’ve downloaded the collection of pre-configured task templates shown in the previous section, you can proceed to import them into the Device Tasks extension.

  1. From the Task Templates tab, click the Import button.

  2. Click the browse button and browse for the task templates. Click Upload to upload the task template.


    When importing, always ensure that the package is a valid .admpkg file generated by the extension and not an externally modified file.

Section 3: Task Examples

While new users are encouraged to use the pre-configured task templates, advanced users can choose to write their own tasks to achieve certain outcomes. This section covers a few advanced, monitoring and device configuration task examples.

Monitoring Tasks

Example 1: Get Memory Usage

This task retrieves the current memory usage of the target device.

Type: HTTP/S
Method: Get
Parameters: None


  • A full list of available DMP 4310/4400 MIBs parameters can be obtained from http://{DMP IP}/get_param?p=*.
  • The URL used in this task definition points to localhost ( as the task is executed on the device itself.

Example 2: Retrieve Download Manager Log

This task uploads the downloadmanagerlog.txt to a handler in Appspace. The user is able to download that log file for troubleshooting purposes.

Type: Shell
Device: Edge 340
  curl --upload-file /apps/nexus2/Logs/downloadmanager/txt -X POST"{{ENV-APPSPACE_URL}}/api/v1/core/tasks/payload/stream/upload?
Parameters: None


All ENV parameters defined in the example shown are environment-defined parameters that will be evaluated during task execution and finally replaced with device-dependent values

Advanced Tasks

Example 1: Switch between Player and Desktop mode

This task switches the device’s mode between player and desktop.

Type: Shell
Device: Edge 340
Command: ./apps/nexus2/ {{mode}} && reboot
Parameters: mode (user defines player or desktop mode during deployment)

Example 2: Replace a file on Device (using nexusmediaplayer.swf)

This task can be divided into two parts:

The first part copies/backs-up the original nexusmediaplayer.swf and uploads it to Appspace. You will be able to retrieve the file when this task is deployed.

The second part replaces the backed-up nexusmediaplayer.swf file with another nexusmediaplayer.swf file that’s located on a local server with a local IP. The parameter defined is local_ip and upon deploying this task, the user will be asked to set the IP of the local server.

Type: Shell
Device: Edge 340
  curl --upload-file /apps/nexus2/nexusmediaplayer.swf -X POST"{{ENV-APPSPACE_URL}}/api/v1/core/tasks/payload/stream/upload?

  wget -O /apps/nexus2/nexusmediaplayer.swf http://{{local_ip}}/nexusmediaplayer.swf
Parameters: local_ip (user defined during deployment)

Device Configuration Tasks

Example 1: Set Log Size

This task sets the log size on the device.

Type: HTTP/S
Method: Put
Header: Content-Type=application/json;password={{ENV_DEVICE_PASSWORD}}
Body: {"size":"{{size}}"}
Parameters: size


Example 2: Set NTP Server

This task sets the NTP server of the device.

Type: HTTP/S
Method: Get
Header: Content-Type=application/json;password={{ENV_DEVICE_PASSWORD}}
Body: {"ntpServer":"{{server}}"}
Parameters: server



At this stage, you would have already:

  • Understood the concepts of tasks
  • Imported the collection of pre-configured task templates
  • Seen a few examples of custom written templates

The next thing you’ll want to do is to deploy your task to your device.

Section 4: Deployment and Response

A task is deployed when the device receives and executes it. Upon executing a task on a device, the Device Tasks extension will feed back all responses from the device through the extension’s interface.

After you’ve selected your desired task template, you’ll now want to deploy that task to your Appspace registered device.

Deploying your Task and Getting a Response

  1. From the Advanced Tasks tab, click on the + button to deploy a task.

  2. Select one of the task templates from the list in the Select Template window and click select.

  3. Under the Deploy To section, click the + button to select a location/device to deploy to.

  4. From the network tree, select the network, player group or specific device you would like to deploy the task to. Click Select to confirm your selection.


    An application needs to be assigned to the device before you are able to deploy a task.

  5. Select your deployment schedule and click save.

  6. To display the output of the task, click the response of the deployed task.

  7. A pop-up will display the raw and transformed (if any) response.


In this guide, we’ve covered:

  • The concept of tasks
  • The collection of pre-configured tasks
  • Importing the collection of pre-configured tasks
  • A few basic task examples
  • Deploying your task and getting a response