Last updated on July 08, 2016

Managing a Sign

This article provides the instructions to create, edit, and manage your signs within the Signs extension.

Before you begin, please read the following articles Introduction to Signs, and Application Creation Guidelines.

Creating Basic Signs

To create a Basic sign, please follow the instructions below:


The default content resolution for a Basic sign is set at 1080p (1920 x 1080), and always appears as fullscreen. It is recommended to use high resolution content of 1080p at all times.

  1. Click the New button in the Sign Library.

  2. In the Create New Sign window, select Basic from the drop-down menu, type in the Sign name, and select the orientation of the sign.

  3. In the Overview tab, click the Add Media button, or the ‘Select content from library, upload files’ link.

  4. Once the content has been added, proceed to rearrange the content in the desired order of appearance by dragging the content, or by changing the content order number.

  5. Remove or replace content by clicking the appropriate links on the right.

  6. To configure the content properties, click the content name link to display the Content Properties window.

  7. In the CONTENT PROPERTIES tab, edit the metadata of the content.

  8. Next, click the PLAYOUT PROPERTIES tab to configure how the content is displayed.

  9. Click Apply to save changes.

  10. Return to Step 3 in the Getting Started with Signs article.

Creating Advanced Signs

To create an Advanced sign, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the New button in the Sign Library.

  2. In the Create New Sign window, select Advanced from the drop-down menu and type a Sign name.


    Sign names can fit up to 255 characters.

  3. In the Sign Templates Library window, select a template. Click the name link of the desired template for a preview of the Sign.


    The Sign Templates Library contains a collection of predesigned custom templates and your existing templates. Select the categories in the left to view them.

  4. Click the ‘Back to Applications Templates list’ link to view another template, or click the Use This Template button to select the current template.


    The playback bar below the live preview of the sign allows you to play, pause, seek, and go to windowed mode to review the overall behavior and look of the template as time elapses.

  5. The new Sign is created.

  6. Click the Edit tab, and access the dashboard to edit the layout(s) for this sign.


    To add an additional layout, click the New Layout button and input the layout name.

  7. Click the Visual Editor button to launch the Visual Editor.

  8. Add widgets to your Sign. Please refer to the Managing Widgets article.

  9. Configure the widget properties and permissions, and add content or event actions. Please refer to the Configuring Widget Properties article.

  10. Schedule your content. Please refer to the Scheduling Content article.

  11. Schedule your layouts. Please refer to the Scheduling Layouts article.

  12. Add an event action to your Sign. Please refer to the Adding a New Action section in the Managing Event Actions in Applications article.

  13. Click the Preview tab to preview your sign. You may click the Preview Player for a full screen preview with a better quality and resolution.


    Select a desired date and time to preview the layouts scheduled on the selected date and time. Click the date calendar and clock slider respectively.

  14. Return to Step 3 in the Getting Started with Signs article.

Making Signs Interactive


Not applicable for Basic signs.

To make a sign interactive, you can create an event that is triggered upon an action, from a widget or on a sign layer. For example, when you click a button on your app, the action triggers a switch to the next layout.

To set these actions and conditions, please follow the instructions in the following articles:

Importing a Sign

To import a sign, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the ‘Import new sign’ button in the Sign Library to import a sign.

  2. In the Import Sign window, click the folder button to browse and select the sign to import. The default file type is .aspkg. Name the sign, and click OK.

  3. The sign should now be listed in the Sign Library.

Exporting a Sign

To export a sign, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the desired sign in the Sign Library. When the sign row is highlighted, click the ‘Export sign’ button.

  2. In the Export window, click OK. The sign is exported as .aspkg by default.

  3. If prompted to save the file on your computer, choose a desired folder and save the file.

Deleting a Sign

To delete a sign, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click the sign name link in the Sign Library.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Settings page, click ‘Delete sign’.

  4. In the Confirmation window, click the OK button to confirm deletion.


    Once signs are deleted, the action cannot be undone.

  5. You are automatically redirected to the Signs Library, and the deleted sign is no longer listed.