Using Advanced Tasks


The advanced tasks service extends the current Appspace device management framework to allow for device tasks to be created and scheduled by administrators. A device task represents a specific action to be performed on the device and the resulting response from executing the task.

Creating a Task

Step 1

From the Task Templates tab, click the + button.

Step 2

Set the Task Class to Advanced and give it a name and description.

Step 3

Define the common parameters and add a task definition. You can also add unique parameters and output transforms.

Step 4

Set the availability and schedule for the task. Click Save to save the task.


Only portal administrators are able to set tasks to global.

Deploying a Task

Step 1

From the Advanced Tasks tab, click on the + button.

Step 2

Select one of the task templates from the list in the overlay window and click Select.

Step 3

Under the Deploy To section, select the + button on the right.

Step 4

From the network tree, select the network, player group or specific device you would like to deploy the task to. Click Select to confirm your selection.

Step 5

Select the task schedule and click Save when finished. The task will now be deployed.


An application needs to be assigned to the device before you are able to deploy a task. Whenever you make a selection, the item will then be added to the table of deployment locations. You may choose to add more than one deployment location.

Step 6

The response will be displayed as soon as the device returns the response to the Appspace server.

Step 7

To display the output of the task, click the response of the deployed task. A pop-up will display the raw and transformed response.

Deleting a Deployed Task

Step 1

From either the Monitoring Tasks or Advanced Tasks tab, check the box next to the Name of the task(s) that you would like to delete. Click the Delete button (trash button).

Step 2

Select OK to confirm and delete the task. The task will no longer be displayed in the list.