Creating Dynamic Media


The content library gives users the flexibility to add externally referenced media files, inline HTML webpages, or externally referenced HTML pages. External content is not stored (preserved) in Appspace but rather just the URL to the content is stored and downloaded by the media players.

The two ways to create web content are as direct inline HTML or as an URL to an external HTML page. It should be noted that for inline HTML, it is highly recommended that CSS definitions and scripting be included in the content and not externally referenced.

It is important when designing the web content to take into account the capabilities of the target media player device. An examples of good practice is to avoid using web content that has Flash elements embedded or dependencies on proprietary web plugins. The preferred and recommended method is to use simple HTML markup for web content in your applications.

Creating External Content

Step 1

From the Content Library, select your folder you wish to add external content to. Click the + button to add a new item and select Add External Content.

Step 2

Fill in the title and description of the content. You can also choose to tag your content to help you search for it later.

Step 3

Select the Edit sub-tab, then select a media type from the Type drop-down. Choose a media type that best matches the content you are referencing. Enter the full Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to the external content in URL field. Click APPLY when finished.

Creating Web Content

Step 1

From the Content Library extension, select the folder you want to add the web content to. Click the plus + icon in the main content listings area and click Add Web Page.

Step 2

Fill in the title and description of the content. You can also choose to tag your content to help you search for it later.

Step 3

Select the Edit sub-tab and select the type of web content from the Type drop-down menu. For live website, select Website from the menu and enter the URL in the text box provided or if you are using your own HTML snippet, select HTML Snippet from the menu and enter the HTML code in the corresponding text field. Click APPLY when finished.