
The User Management extension provides management functions for Appspace administrators over users and user groups. This flexible and customizable framework allows for different user roles to be created and mapped to various extensions and resources across the server. Administrators are able to quickly browse through the list of users on the server and immediately identify the groups that belong in, as well as the roles that they currently possess or have inherited.


The Users tab presents the administrator of the Appspace server with a listing of user groups in alphabetical order along with a dashboard that displays a summary of the selected user group. Selecting different groups will present a summary of information that includes the total number of users and statistics regarding their content assets on the server.



The Profiles sub-tab is where an administrator can gather general information about the number of users and a description of the group. The number of content items as well as the amount of disk space being used on the server by the content associated with the users in this group are also calculated/displayed. Admins are also provided with a listing of the roles that all users within the group will inherit.



The Members sub-tab will present the administrator with a listing of all users that belong to the selected group. The table contains columns that will list various attributes for each user including the role(s), the network they belong to, e-mail address, and their last successful login to the server. This sub-tab also contains several quick-launch icons including the ability to add/delete users from the group, edit group roles, or moving users across groups.



The Invitations sub-tab will present all pending invitations in that group and provides administrative functions such as removing or resending invitations for new users to join the group. This sub-tab also contains a search bar that allows for the searching of pending user invitations within this area.



The Roles tab displays the various roles available for this account. The various roles may be defined by the system or may also possibly be defined by additional extensions that have been installed on the server. Roles can be assigned to individual users or entire user groups.


Role Management

Users will now be able to see the existing system-defined roles available globally throughout Appspace. These are preset roles that are created for the standard Appspace workflow. The following list represents the collection of system-defined roles:

  • Portal Administrator: this role is reserved for the system administrator and has access to all the settings, accounts, and networks in the Appspace server.
  • Accounts Administrator: this role is scoped to all accounts that are under the administration of the user. The user has access to everything within all accounts that they manage.
  • Network Administrator: this role is scoped to the current network that the user belongs to. The user will be able to access all applications and content under that network.
  • Content Administrator: this role is scoped to all the apps that reside within the current user’s network. The user will be able to access the properties of app, and content for all apps including the associated content library.
  • Content Manager: this role is scoped to the content within an app to which the user has entitlement rights. The user will be able to access all content elements inside that app.
  • Schedule Manager: this role is scoped to the scheduling of layouts and content within an app to which the user has entitlement rights. The user will be able to manage the scheduling of these elements inside the app.
  • Widget Manager: this role is scoped to the management of widgets within an app to which the user has entitlement rights. The user will be able to access all widgets inside that app.
  • User: this is a generic user role that provides visibility to any content that is created by the user. The user will only be able to access apps and content created by them.