Last updated on January 31, 2018

How do I activate my Appspace Cloud account?

Have you just purchased a new Appspace subscription?

Follow the instructions below to activate your Cloud account.

  1. Once the purchase of an Appspace Cloud subscription has been verified, a system generated email will be sent to your organization’s main administrator. In the email, click the provided link.

  2. In the Appspace registration window, fill in the required information. Read and accept the Terms of Service and End User Agreement, and click SUBMIT to complete the process. A system generated email will be automatically sent to you.

  3. Once you have received the “Activate your account now” email from Appspace, click the provided link.

  4. Click the ‘LOG IN’ button on the activation confirmation page, or navigate to

  5. Input your credentials and click LOG IN to access the Appspace console in cloud.

  6. You will receive a “Welcome to Appspace” email confirming your successful activation.