Managing Calendars


This guide will focus on the steps to add, manage, and configure your calendar provider within the Meeting Rooms extension.


  • Microsoft Exchange 2010 or 2013
  • One provider (Microsoft Exchange user mailbox) to book all meeting rooms
  • Pre-configured room/resource mailboxes for each meeting room
  • All meeting rooms must be a part of a room list distribution group (for further information on this please refer to this guide)

The table below presents the most commonly used/typical values and settings when configuring the Calendar Provider within the Meeting Rooms extension:

Provider Detail Description Required?
Server The server address endpoint that allows exposure of the calendar provider format: http://{FQDN} Mandatory
Domain LDAP directory service domain. Filled only if implemented by the specific calendar provider Optional
User name Authentication user name Required if authentication is implemented/enforced
Password Authentication password Required if authentication is implemented/enforced
Description Miscellaneous description for your calendar provider Optional
Calendar Type Microsoft Exchange 2010 or 2013 Mandatory
Web Calendar URL FQDN URL for the web calendar provider interface Mandatory

Adding a Calendar Provider

Step 1

From the Meeting Room extension, click the Provider tab. Click the + button to add a calendar provider.

Step 2

On the calendar setup page, fill in the details of your Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes calendar provider in the various fields. When finished, click the Create button to complete the process.

Deleting a Calendar Provider

Step 1

From within the Meeting Room extension, click on the Provider tab. Select the calendar provider to be deleted by checking the box next to the calendar provider.

Step 2

Click the trash can button to remove the selected calendar provider.

Step 3

When prompted, click OK to confirm your action.