Last updated on October 07, 2015

Deployments Layout and Interface

Deployments Extension

The following illustrates the layout of the Deployments extension.

Network Tree

This section displays the network tree with all networks within the account. By selecting a particular parent network or sub-network, the ‘Deployments in System’ page on the right dynamically changes to display the packages and deployments associated with the selected network.

Deployments in System

This section displays all packages and deployments within the account, or the selected network. You can add or delete deployments, search, and choose to view only Deployments, or ‘Deployments and Packages’ from the ‘View by’ drop-down menu. To display packages and deployments within sub-networks, check the ‘Include sub-networks’ check box.

Package Information

When you click on a package name in the ‘Deployments in System’ page, the Package Information page displays the package status, type, version, file list, and deployment information pertaining to the deployment package. It is within this page, that the deployment package can be deprecated, restored, or deleted.