Last updated on September 22, 2015

Edge 340 Mass Firmware Upgrade


This article provides the requirements and instructions on how to upgrade the firmware for multiple Edge 340 media player devices via the Appspace Device Tasks extension in Appspace.


In Appspace 5.4 and prior, the Device Tasks extension was known as the Advanced Device Management extension.

The upgrade process involves three key sections as per the image below:


Appspace has pre-created two scripted task files that enable the mass-upgrade of Edge 340 media device players via the Appspace Device Tasks extension. The tasks and their functionality are as follows:

  • The ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Status’ task:
    • Checks for the existence of the /apps/nexus2/firmware folder.
    • Creates the folder /apps/nexus2/firmware if it doesn’t exist.
    • Downloads the firmware file from the hosting server.
    • Modifies the firmware file’s permissions.
    • Runs the firmware upgrade.
    • Sends “Done” status to the Appspace server.
  • The ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Execution’ task:
    • Checks and sends back status updates from the execution task
    • Must be deployed

However, before you proceed, please ensure the prerequisites and version compatibility are met.


The following table lists the Appspace products and the compatible player package versions that have been tested for mass firmware upgrade of the Edge 340.

Deployment Appspace Version Player Package
Cloud 5.5.1 7.0.42
On-Premise 5.2.3 7.0.32


Please download the following files to your Appspace server:

  • Edge 340 firmware file - obtain from your device manufacturer.
  • Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Status task. To download click here.
  • Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Execution task. To download click here.


Host the firmware

Host the Edge 340 device’s latest firmware file on a web server. Example: http://server_IP/firmware/Cisco-Edge-1.2-i386-DVD.bin

Run firmware status task

  1. Import both the ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Status’ task and the ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Execution’ task into the Appspace server.

  2. In the Device Tasks extension, click the Advanced Tasks tab and click the Add icon to add a deployment.

  3. Select the ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Status task and click Select.

  4. Click the Add icon under the Deploy To section.

  5. Select the location of the device within the Network Tree or the Network, and select the specific device. You may select multiple devices. Click the Select button once you are done.


    Do not edit the Description of the task.

  6. Select the ‘On Constant Frequency’ option to periodically send status updates to Appspace, and click Save to deploy the task.

  7. Select your player and the deployed task will now be visible.

Run firmware execution task

  1. In the Device Tasks extension, click the Advanced Tasks tab and click the Add icon to add a deployment.

  2. Select the ‘Edge 340 Firmware Upgrade (Remote File) Execution’ task and click Select.

  3. Under the Common Parameters section, key in the file name of the firmware and the path to the hosting server. Note that the combination of these parameters will create the hosting URL – e.g. http://server_IP/firmware/Cisco-Edge-1.2-i386-DVD.bin

  4. Click the Add icon under the Deploy To section.

  5. Select the location of the device within the Network Tree or the Network, and select the specific device. You may select multiple devices. Click the Select button once you are done.

  6. Set the deployment schedule to ‘Immediate’ and click Save.

  7. Select your player to display the status of the firmware upgrade. You can also click on the Response column for further details.

  8. When the firmware upgrade is complete, the response will display Done.