Help Articles
Problem and FAQ articles to help you troubleshoot issues with Appspace systems, devices, and content.
Appspace Compatible and Self-Certified Devices
Find a list of Appspace compatible and self certified devices with information on reference models, device firmware, and Appspace App download information.
Appspace Supported Devices and Operating Systems
Find a list of Appspace App supported devices, operating systems, and collaborations, with information on reference models, device firmware, and Appspace App download information.
Introduction to Devices in Appspace
This article serves as an introductory guide to the myriad of devices available for the Appspace platform while providing support-level definitions within the Appspace context.
Appspace Device App Version Lifecycle Policy
This article outlines the lifecycle policy for the Appspace Device app, providing administrators and stakeholders with a clear understanding of our support and maintenance approach, ensuring optimal performance, security, and compatibility with the latest features.
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Appspace Compatible and Self-Certified Devices
Find a list of Appspace compatible and self certified devices with information on reference models, device firmware, and Appspace App download information.
Appspace Device App Version Lifecycle Policy
This article outlines the lifecycle policy for the Appspace Device app, providing administrators and stakeholders with a clear understanding of our support and maintenance approach, ensuring optimal performance, security, and compatibility with the latest features.
Appspace Supported Devices and Operating Systems
Find a list of Appspace App supported devices, operating systems, and collaborations, with information on reference models, device firmware, and Appspace App download information.
Browse and Navigate the Appspace Account Management Portal
View Appspace subscription, licensing, and billing information, renew or upgrade your license, view user, device, and bandwidth consumption, and create support tickets, all in one place.
Deprecating Support for Legacy Devices (TLS 1.0/1.1)
Appspace will begin phasing out support for the TLS 1.0/1.1 security protocols and will no longer support any connections to the platform or devices using the TLS 1.0/1.1 security protocol.
End of Support for Legacy Devices
As of July 31st 2023, Appspace will no longer provide support to legacy devices that are currently end-of-life, and is no longer supported by the manufacturer. These legacy devices not only have stopped receiving security patches, but may also not be able to support the latest security and network protocols currently implemented on the Appspace platform.
FAQ: Customer Information for Alerts to Broadcast
This article provides users with answers to the most frequently asked questions for the current Broadcasts solution, and also soon to be sunset Alerts module available on the Appspace platform.
FAQ: How Do I Deploy an Advanced Device Task?
How do I deploy an Advanced Device task?
FAQ: How Do I Retrieve Appspace App Device Logs?
How Do I Retrieve Appspace App Device Logs? We recommend customers first set the log level on the device to debug, before deploying the Retrieve Log advanced device task to retrieve the Appspace App device logs.
Grant Users Access to Support Portal
Grant admin or user permissions to additional users for access to the Appspace Support portal.
Introduction to Devices in Appspace
This article serves as an introductory guide to the myriad of devices available for the Appspace platform while providing support-level definitions within the Appspace context.
Marlin Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This article provides Marlin users with answers to the most frequently asked questions to help them get started on the Appspace platform.
On-Prem Upgrade Paths & End-Of-Support Dates
This article lists the Appspace on-prem upgrade paths necessary for upgrading your Appspace on-prem deployments, and the end of support dates for older versions.
Problem: Advanced Channel Does NOT Load Properly
Description You may experience load issues when creating, editing, or previewing an advanced channel (sign), a layout in the sign, …
Problem: Card Reloads Upon Launching On-Screen Keyboard
Launching on-screen keyboard on a display playing Appspace card content triggers the Appspace App to reload the card, and restarts playback of the playlist content.
Problem: Cisco Collaboration Endpoint Device Does NOT Display Wallpaper
This article provides the instructions for troubleshooting connection and display issues with Cisco Collaboration Endpoint (CE) devices configured with Appspace to display wallpapers.
Problem: This device must first be registered in Appspace in order to display content…
Description The following message, “This device must first be registered in Appspace in order to display content. Go to the …
Problem: Unable to Register/Load Cisco Devices Running Signage Mode
Description When a Cisco Collaboration Endpoint (CE) device that has been configured to run in signage mode is unable to …
Supported Appspace Cards
Find a list of Appspace cards that are compatible with your device or TV, ideal for creating engaging, interactive content, for workplace and team communications, as well as space management.
Supported Content & Device Capabilities
Find supported image types, video formats, video playback requirements, content delivery modes, etc. for devices in each operating environment supported by the Appspace App.
Explore All Articles
Browse a list of all our how-to articles, guides, paths, and troubleshooting articles, available for Appspace cloud.