Configure Notifications for New Editors and Writers for Intranet
Settings > Site settings > Beezy Settings > Global features
Settings > Site settings > Beezy Settings > Global features
This section applies to Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.10 and higher. Appspace 8.3 Draco introduces the Language Picker feature for Stories, that not only enhances the
The implementation of the new communities features in Appspace SharePoint Intranet version 4.10 will provide users with a more efficient and user-friendly experience. The addition
The Spotlight Search offers an easy type-ahead search interface embedded in the Megamenu. By only typing three characters, users are prompted with results in four
This section applies to Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.10 and higher. Access the “Settings” menu from the gearwheel on the right-hand side of the site banner.
Pages editors will be informed about the users that can manage categories, topics, and pages. They will receive a notification when another editor or admin:
This article is applicable to version 4.7.0 onwards As mentioned in previous articles of this section, this initiative marked a complete overhaul of the timezone
This article is applicable to version 4.7.0 onwards The first couple of improvements that were introduced were in the Sharebox, hiding from the interface the
This article is applicable to version 4.7.0 onwards Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.7 we brought into the product a complete overhaul of the logic that sustained
Multientity Management is a feature added from Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.6.0 onwards To ensure that it’s simple and straightforward for users to understand which Entity