Manage Reported Inappropriate Content on the Intranet
This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure and manage inappropriate content reported on the Appspace Intranet platform.
This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure and manage inappropriate content reported on the Appspace Intranet platform.
This article provides Administrators with an outline to monitor, check, and manage Intranet background jobs using SharePoint Timer Jobs or the Hangfire framework, to ensure these background processes run efficiently
This article provides Administrators with an outline for accessing and configuring Appspace Intranet logs for both Add-Ins and On-Premises Classic environments.
This article provides Administrators with an outline of how to access the necessary log files for their installations
This article provides Administrators with an outline for adapting the Appspace Intranet to the new site URL, preventing any disruptions to the intranet services
This article provides Administrators with information regarding SharePoint file size limits, and instructions to configure the file size limits for SharePoint on-premises deployments
This dictionary provides a comprehensive list of Web Application configurable properties and settings stored in the “web.config” file within the Appspace Intranet platform
This article provides Administrators with an outline for embedding the Google Analytics snippet into the Appspace Intranet site collection
The Client Secret is crucial for maintaining secure communication between Appspace Intranet and Microsoft Azure, minimizing the risk of service disruptions. This article provides Administrators with instructions
This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure a new SharePoint Online site collection for an existing Appspace Intranet installation