Complete List of Device Properties (Dictionary)
This article lists the device properties available, including their functions, default values, and value range (where applicable), as well as the supported devices.
This article lists the device properties available, including their functions, default values, and value range (where applicable), as well as the supported devices.
Find a list of Appspace compatible and self certified devices with information on reference models, device firmware, and Appspace App download information.
This article serves as an introductory guide to the myriad of devices available for the Appspace platform while providing support-level definitions within the Appspace context.
Stream Vimeo content, such as the latest product lineup, advertisements, or even add that cute cat video for a quick laugh in the office.
This article provides the instructions to register devices with serial numbers, an advanced device registration method ideal for bulk-registering devices in your local network. However, this method is only limited to devices that embed serial numbers to the device fingerprint.
This article provides the instructions to configure and register Qbic Panel-PC devices with the Appspace App for devices, ideal for hot-desking or resource reservations, allowing for employees to quickly scan the QR code displayed on the device and make their reservations through the Appspace Employee App.
This article provides instructions to enable the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature for Appspace Cloud.
This article provides Administrators with guidance to configure and register self-certified Qbic devices with the Appspace App.
Configure the Appspace App for Chrome OS and manage devices in Chrome Enterprise (Google Chrome Device Management (CDM)).
This article provides instructions to preregister devices, an advanced device registration method ideal for bulk-registering devices in your local network. This method supports pre-registering devices