Category: How-to

Create a Playlist Channel

This article provides instructions to create, configure, add content, and publish the playlist channel to a variety of devices, users, apps, and even the web.

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Create a Multi-Zone Playlist Channel

Publish a Playlist Channel with multi-zone template layouts to devices running the Appspace App for Devices, ideal for displaying content for digital signage, room scheduling devices, kiosks, and wallpapers for collaboration endpoints.

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Upgrade Stories to New Version

Addressing the challenges posed by a suboptimal user experience when working with two different editors in Stories, we’ve introduced a robust migration process of existing

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Create a New Blog Post

Appspace Intranet has significantly improved the user experience for posting in standalone blogs, enhancing usability in the process of publishing a blog post. This improvement

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Page Duplication

Pages are commonly used to communicate specific information or organizational policies.  These pages can take on a common structure with standard elements that can be

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