Category: On-Prem

Set a Home Network

This article provides the instructions to set a default home network. Prerequisites Network Administrator or Account Owner permissions required. Set the Home Network If you

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Switch Networks

This article provides the instructions to switch between networks. Prerequisites Network Administrator or Account Owner permissions required. Switch Between Networks To switch between networks, please

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View User Profile in Console

To view your Appspace user profile: Click the User icon and the User name link. In the Edit User Profile Details page, you can manage your user details such as Name, Password,

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Move Devices between Networks

This article provides the instructions to move registered devices between networks in the Appspace console. Prerequisites You must be one of the following users: Account

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Change/Reset Console Password

This article provides the instructions to change/reset your Appspace on-prem server password.  Prerequisites User privileges on the Appspace server. Change Password Click the User profile icon

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Configure Active Directory/LDAP

This article provides the instructions to configure Active Directory or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for single, and multiple domains. Note that this configuration is

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Uninstall Appspace On-Prem

This article provides instructions to uninstall Appspace on-prem using two different methods. The first method only renames the Appspace folder and can be used when

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