Tag Content (Advanced Channels only)

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Tags provide a quick and simple way of targeting content playback to specific groups of devices running the same content advanced channel. By using device tag rules, content managers can filter playback of content in a media zone widget. Tag rules can be applied to a specific content file in a channel or schedule. If no tags are selected, the content will playback on all devices.

Tag rules can be applied to:

  • Individual Content Items within an advanced channel.
  • Advanced channel
  • Advanced channel layouts

This article provides the instructions to add, edit, and manage content tags within Advanced Channels.


  • You must turn on Automatic Sync. Content tagging and layout tagging will not function when Automatic Sync is set to OFF in the advanced channel.
  • Devices must be tagged first, before you tag content. Refer to Add Tags to Content in Advanced Channels article.

Tag Individual Content Items in Advanced Channel

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu and select the desired advanced channel.

  2. Click Edit, and click the desired Media Zone widget to access the widget properties.

  3. Click CONTENT, and click the content’s Playout link to access the content properties.

  4. In Playout Properties, click the Click here to add tag rules link to display the Tag Rules page.

  5. Select the desired tag, and the associated devices are displayed in the main pane. To apply the selected tag to the channel, click APPLY.

    Some main sections of the Tag Rules page are
      • Filters – Used to view devices associated with the current channel, or advanced channel with linked media zones.
      • Mode – Logical operator when selecting more than 2 tags.
      • Tags – List of available tags.
      • Groups – Allows filtering of device groups.
  6. Click Save on Playout Properties.

Untag Content Items in Advanced Channel

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu.

  2. Click Edit, and click the desired Media Zone widget to access the widget properties.

  3. Click CONTENT, and click the content’s Playout link to access the content properties.

  4. In  Playout Properties, click the Click here to add tag rules link to display the Tag Rules page.

  5. Deselect the desired tag, and click APPLY.

  6. Click Save on Playout Properties.

Tag Scheduled Channel

Channel scheduling must be enabled.

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu, and select the desired advanced channel.

  2. Click Edit, and click the desired Media Zone widget to access the widget properties.

  3. Click CONTENT, and click the desired schedule.

  4. Click the More Options link.

  5. In the Schedule page, click the Click here to add tag rules link to display the Tag Rules page.

  6. Select the desired tag, and the associated devices are displayed in the main pane. To apply the selected tag to the channel, click APPLY. Click APPLY again at the Schedule page.

    Some main sections of the Tag Rules page are
      • Filters – Used to view devices associated with the current channel, or advanced channel with linked media zones.
      • Mode – Logical operator when selecting more than 2 tags.
      • Tags – List of available tags.
      • Groups – Allows filtering of device groups.

Untag Scheduled Channel

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu and select the desired advanced channel.

  2. Click the Edit tab and click the desired Media Zone widget to access the widget properties.

  3. Click CONTENT, and click the desired schedule.

  4. Click the More Options link.

  5. In the Schedule page, click the Click here to add tag rules link.

  6. Deselect the desired tag, and click APPLY. Click APPLY again at the schedule page.

Tagging Scheduled Layouts

Layout Scheduling must be enabled.

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu and select the desired advanced channel.

  2. Click the Schedule tab and click the desired layout schedule.

  3. Click the More Options link.

  4. In the Schedule page, click the Click here to add tag rules link to display the Tag Rules page.

  5. Select the desired tag, and the associated devices are displayed in the main pane. To apply the selected tag to the channel, click APPLY. Click APPLY again at the Schedule page.

    Some main sections of the Tag Rules page are
      • Filters – Used to view devices associated with the current channel, or advanced channel with linked media zones.
      • Mode – Logical operator when selecting more than 2 tags.
      • Tags – List of available tags.
      • Groups – Allows filtering of device groups.

        Select the desired tag, and the associated devices are displayed in the main pane. To apply the selected tag to the channel, click APPLY. Click APPLY again at the Schedule page.

Untagging Scheduled Layouts

  1. Click Channels from the ☰ Appspace menu and select the desired advanced channel.

  2. Click the Schedule tab and click the desired layout schedule.

  3. Click the More Options link.

  4. In the schedule page, click the tag link to display the Tag Rules page.

  5. Deselect the desired tag, and click APPLY. Click APPLY again at the schedule page.