Create Event Actions (Scripts) in Advanced Channels

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This article provides the instructions to add, edit, and manage your event actions and conditional events in an advanced channel.

Event Actions that are added in advanced channels are actions that are triggered by an event, created based on event-driven scripting. An event is an object sent to an advanced channel to inform it of user or system actions such as multi-touch events, motion events, and events for controlling multimedia. An action is a piece of code linked to an event that can occur in your advanced channel. When the event occurs, the action code is executed. These actions are triggered when an event occurs in the system, advanced channel, layout, or widget. You can also set conditional events which allow you to create actions that only execute when an event’s set conditions or rules are met.

In an advanced channel, the below are the default fields in the advanced channel’s Event Action window:

  • Source – set the source of the trigger.

  • When – set the event that triggers the action.

  • Condition – set a condition to the event before the action is triggered.

  • Select – set where the action should be placed (the location), which can either be the system, advanced channel, or widget.

  • Do – set the action that is to be triggered when the above event occurs and condition is met.

Additional fields may appear based on the action selected.

Create New Action

To add a new action in an advanced channe;, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Channels in the navigation bar.

  2. Select the desired advanced channel from the Channels tab, and click the Actions tab.

  3. Click the CREATE button to create a new action.

  4. In the Event Actions window, select the required parameters.

    • Source – set the source of the trigger.
    • When – set the event that triggers the action.
    • Condition – set a condition to the event before the action is triggered.
    • Select – set where the action should be placed (the location), which can either be the system, sign, or widget.
    • Do – set the action that is to be triggered when the above event occurs and condition is met.

  5. Click the Add condition link to create actions that only execute when an event occurs and one or more conditions are met.

    Select a Rule, and input your Condition.

  6. Click OK to save.

Edit an Action

To edit an action, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Channels in the navigation bar.

  2. Select the desired advanced channel from the Channels tab, and click the Actions tab.

  3. Select the desired action from the list, and click Edit.

  4. In the Event Actions window, make the desired changes, and click OK to save.

Delete an Action

To delete an action, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Channels in the navigation bar.

  2. Select the desired advanced channel from the Channels tab, and click the Actions tab.

  3. Select the desired action from the list, and click Delete. Click OK to confirm.

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