Configure Appspace on Crestron AirMedia Series 3 Devices

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The Crestron AirMedia solution integrated with Appspace revolutionizes the conferencing and collaboration experiences. Seamlessly blend multimedia content and communication tools on Crestron HDMI displays with Appspace’s digital signage capabilities. Whether in conference mode or during downtime, effortlessly display dynamic playlist channels, enhancing engagement and communication in any space.

With Crestron AirMedia and Appspace, empower your team with versatile connectivity and vibrant visual communication, transforming meetings into immersive, productive experiences.

This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure and register Crestron AirMedia 3 Series devices with Appspace.


  • An Account Owner or Location Admin user role, with the Platform User license assigned.
  • Sufficient Device licenses when registering the device, and Content licenses if displaying premium content.
  • Ensure the device meets the manufacturer’s minimum hardware and technical specifications, as per our Supported Devices and Operating Systems article.
  • Ensure the device clock is set to automatically retrieve time from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, with the correct time zone in order for it to sync correctly with the Appspace server.
    • Appspace Cloud servers are configured to retrieve time from an NTP server by default. If an On-prem server is used, ensure the server is configured to retrieve time from an NTP server automatically.
    • Appspace timezone configuration includes time zones other than GMT. This enables users with daylight savings to adjust time accordingly.
  • Ensure your network is configured to allow Appspace Approved URLs and the relevant network ports.

Device Specific Requirements

  • Ensure the Crestron AirMedia 3 Series device is running the latest 3.02 firmware and above.

Configure Crestron AirMedia 3 Series Devices

The following instructions are performed on your Crestron AirMedia device’s web interface.

  1. Log in to the Crestron AirMedia device’s web console via the device’s IP address on your web browser.
  2. Click the ⚙ Settings tab, and select Application Mode to expand the section.
  3. Select AirMedia Experience from the Application Mode drop-down menu.
    Selecting Signage Only as the Application Mode, will set the device to function as a digital signage player that displays Appspace content, while disabling AirMedia functionality. In this mode, the Power Setting is forced to Signage Only.
  4. Select Appspace from the Signage Provider drop-down menu.
  5. Enable Content Caching by toggling the switch to ON.
    Content Caching is only available on Appspace, and if a MicroSD card is inserted into the device. Note the following MicroSD requirements:
    • Format: ExFAT (formatted prior to insertion in AirMedia devices)
    • Minimum Size: 8 GB
    • Maximum Size: 128 GB
    • Partitions: The MicroSD card must have a partition of at least 4 GB. The AirMedia device will utilize the largest available partition.
    • Hot Plugging: Hot plugging the MicroSD card is not supported. Reboot the device when a card is inserted or removed.
  6. Select one of the following Signage Mode options that will be used:
    • Signage as a Background – Display signage content on the Front of Room display when there is no active presentation. The connection instructions tiles will be shown if enabled, but other front of room elements are not shown to avoid overlap with signage content. Background and logo images are not displayed.
    • Signage in Standby – Display signage content in full screen when the room is not occupied. The standard Welcome Screen is displayed when the room is occupied and there is no active presentation.
    • Both Background and Standby – Enables both options above.
  7. Once configured, click Save Changes, and select Yes to confirm the reboot.
  8. Once launched, proceed to Register the Crestron AirMedia device with Appspace via the 6-character code displayed on the registration screen.

Configure Power Settings for Appspace

The following instructions are performed on your Crestron AirMedia device’s web interface.

  1. Log in to the Crestron AirMedia device’s web console via the device’s IP address on your web browser.
  2. Click the ⚙ Settings tab, and select System Setup to expand the section.
  3. Click the Power Settings tab, and select Business Hours + Occupancy Based for Signage from the Power Mode drop-down menu.
  4. Proceed to enable and configure the business hours for the device using the table:
    • Enabled: Switch the toggle on to include the day in the business hours schedule.
    • On Time: Enter the time of day (in 24-hour format) when business hours begin.
    • Off Time: Enter the time of day (in 24-hour format) when business hours end.
      When the On Time and Off Time settings are set to 00:00 and 23:59 respectively, the display device is on and the receiver is awake all day.
  5. Once configured, click Save Changes. 

The Business Hours + Occupancy Based for Signage power mode applies the following behavior for the Crestron AirMedia device.

  • The connected occupancy sensor determines when the room is occupied or vacant.
  • If room vacancy is detected during business hours, the device goes to sleep. Digital signage is displayed.
  • If room occupancy is detected during business hours, the device wakes up.
  • If room vacancy is detected outside of business hours, the device and display device power off.
  • If room occupancy is detected outside of business hours, the device and display device power on.
  • The touch screen is on when the room is occupied and off when the room is vacant.
  • Crestron Fusion power events are permitted.
  • If an HDMI sync is detected, the device wakes up.
  • An AirMedia connection does not wake the device.

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