The People Directory, with its user-friendly interface, is an important instrument for supporting connectivity and collaboration within our organization. Employees can effortlessly access and manage their information from any device, connect with remote teams, and strengthen workplace relationships. In addition, the people directory provides an updated list of recently added profiles and complete search capabilities, allowing users to locate associates by name, skills, or expertise. It is the entry point to a more connected and productive workforce, enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing in the dynamic workplace of today.
People Directory
This article provides an overview of the improvements of the People Directory, which will enable employees to benefit from a more streamlined and user-friendly platform.
- Search – To search for a specific person, enter their first and/or last name into the search bar. The results will be displayed in alphabetical order.
- View All – To view all employees on the list containing information about every member of a company or community.
- View Following – To view the following members that users followed.
- Filter – The ability to filter and sort the directory quickly and simply by the most recent updates, members who have just joined, and alphabetical order (A-Z).
- Network widget – Display the number of people that users are connected to.
- Skills widget – Another method to find the employees, you may used the Skills widget by clicking the available tags.
- View User’s Profile – To view user profile, you may access all of the employee’s information and also Follow them.
- Load More – The Load More button below to navigate to the next pagination and view additional people in the directory.