Users can schedule Stories to automatically publish themselves at any time in the future by selecting the date, time of publication and clicking on the
Users can schedule Stories to automatically publish themselves at any time in the future by selecting the date, time of publication and clicking on the
Authors are able to add translations to their Stories via direct insertion of text into the translated versions. When editing a story, select the drop-down
Authors can request any colleague to review, give feedback and approve a story. In order to request approval, authors can select the “Request approval” option
As part of the editorial dashboard there is a new view for the user to organize the stories he is working on. The user will only
Hero Stories can be displayed on the start page with the share feature or through the Hero component. The Hero component, on top of the
The “Stories for you” is a new dialog in the stories page that includes settings for customizing which stories the user will get regarding channels,
The Story Carousel is a feature which allows the latest Stories created by date to be shown in a news slider on top of the
Creating a story is a way to create News items, Editorials, Policies and other content that can be enriched with visual content such as images,
The Story admin interface under “Channels” in the sidebar menu will provide Category and Channel editing options and provide the ability to create Channels for