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This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure various global reservation settings for the Reservations module.

What's New

New Reservation Settings released in Appspace 8.7 Cygnus 

  • Hide Reservations in User Profile
  • Resource Capacity Check
  • Allow Visitors in Reservations
  • Default Attendees to Virtual
  • Email and Weekly Digest Notifications
  • Pre-populate Conferencing Dropdown


General Settings for Reservations

The General settings listed below contain settings focused on reservation defaults and restrictions applied to resources within Space Reservations.

The General Reservation settings can be accessed via the Settings > General tab within the Reservations module.



Configure Reservation Sensitivity (Privacy)

The Reservation Sensitivity setting option allows Admins to establish the default reservation privacy settings for all reservations throughout the organization. These settings can be configured to make reservations always public, private, or allow the organizers to determine the privacy settings when making the reservation.

To configure Reservation Sensitivity, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Default to Public – Reservations are made public (by default), with the option to change privacy settings during the reservation process.
  • Default to Private – Reservations are made private (by default), with the option to change privacy settings during the reservation process.
  • Always Public – Reservations are always made public, without the option to change privacy settings during the reservation process.
  • Always Private – Reservations are always made private, without the option to change privacy settings during the reservation process.

Configure Building Reservation Name

The Building Reservation Name setting option allows Admins to determine the default reservation name for Building Passes when left blank by the organizers.

To configure Building Reservation Name, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Organizer Name – Displays the reservation name as: <Organizer’s Name>, ie. “John Smith”.
  • Organizer Email – Displays the reservation name as: <Organizer’s Email>, ie. “”.
  • Custom – Displays the reservation name as the desired text entered within the text field, however, defaults to “Building Pass” if left blank.

Configure Workspace Reservation Name

The Workspace Reservation Name setting option allows Admins to determine the default reservation name displayed for Reservations when left blank by the organizers.

To configure Workspace Reservation Name, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Organizer Name – Displays the reservation name as: <Organizer’s Name>, ie. “John Smith”.
  • Organizer Email – Displays the reservation name as: <Organizer’s Email>, ie. “”.
  • Custom – Displays the reservation name as the desired text entered within the text field, however, defaults to “Workspace Reservation” if left blank.

Configure Reservation Duration

The Reservation Duration setting option allows Admins to re-define the default duration for reservations, which the system sets at 30 minutes.

To configure Reservation Duration, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • <x> mins/hrs – Defines a duration between 15 mins to 2 hrs time slots.
  • Office Hours – Defines Office Hours as the default duration, which can be configured here. (ie. 9 am to 5 pm).
  • All Day – Defines All Day as the default duration. 
  • Custom – Defines a custom duration. 


If the Reservation Duration is set at 1 hr, organizers will be able to reserve workspace resources at a minimum of an hour, or in 1-hour increments only, ie. 1 pm – 2 pm, 2 pm – 3 pm.

If All Day is selected, the following rules apply to the following constraint rules:
  • MinAdvancedBooking: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MaxAdvancedBooking: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MinReservationDuration: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.
  • MaxReservationDuration: All day bookings are blocked if the <value set> is < 24 hours. However, if the <value set> is > 24 hours, then use as a valid restriction (e.g. 48 hours means only 2 days of all day)
  • MinDurationBetweenReservations: Ignored if the <value set> is < 24 hours.

Configure Hide Reservations In User Profile – (New)

The Hide Reservations In User Profile setting option allows Admins to increase user privacy (while reducing distractions) by hiding the Reservations tab in user profiles on the Employee App.

To configure Hide Reservations In User Profile, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Hides the Reservations tab in user profiles.
  • OFF – Displays the Reservations tab in user profiles.


Configure Supported Reservation Types

The Supported Reservation Types setting option allows Admins to enable the Space Reservations or Visitor Management features on the Employee App.

To configure Supported Reservation Types, select the desired feature(s) from the drop-down menu:

  • Building Pass – Enables Building Pass reservations on the Employee App.
  • Workspace – Enables Workspace reservations on the Employee App.
  • Visitors – Enables Visitor invitations on the Employee App.

Configure Provider Reservations with Conflicts

The Provider Reservation with Conflicts setting option allows Admins to configure how reservation conflicts are handled within the calendar provider. This setting is supported on both Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and Google Workspace (Google Calendar) providers.

In Microsoft Outlook, please ensure the correct calendar that includes the resource is selected. Otherwise, the cancellation will not function properly, and instead of canceling the event, the resource will decline the meeting.

To configure Provider Reservation with Conflicts, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ALLOW – Permits multi-resource reservations even if conflicts exist. Conflicted reservations will be marked with a “Conflict” status, while non-conflicted reservations will be successfully created and confirmed on the Reservations dashboard.
  • CANCEL – Removes conflicted resources from the entire multi-resource reservation, maintaining an “Active” status on the Reservations dashboard. If the final resource or a single resource reservation remains in conflict, the reservation will be Canceled.
  • When recurring reservations with conflicts are allowed, the organizer will still receive a confirmation email upon creating the reservations.
  • Conflicting reservations will be created and marked with the “Conflict” status on the Reservations dashboard, requiring the organizer to manually resolve these conflicts separately.


  • The Microsoft 365 (Office 365) calendar provider does not support privacy updates on resources within a recurring reservation. This means that changing the privacy settings for a recurring reservation will only affect future occurrences, while past reservations will retain their original privacy settings.

Configure Local Reservations with Conflicts

The Local Reservation with Conflicts setting option allows Admins to configure how reservation conflicts are handled within the Appspace provider (local).

To configure Local Reservation with Conflicts, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ALLOW – Permits multi-resource reservations even if conflicts exist. Conflicted reservations will be marked with a “Conflict” status, while non-conflicted reservations will be successfully created and confirmed on the Reservations dashboard.
  • CANCEL – Removes conflicted resources from the entire multi-resource reservation, maintaining an “Active” status on the Reservations dashboard. If the final resource or a single resource reservation remains in conflict, the reservation will be Canceled.
This setting permits reservations with overlapping conditions to be marked as “Conflict”. Note that these reservations persist, but the host must adjust conflicting parameters to confirm the meeting. Disabling the toggle cancels conflicting meetings outright.

Configure Enable Recurring Reservations

This option is supported only for resources managed by the Appspace provider (local) and restricts users from making recurring reservations through the Employee App. However, users can still create recurring reservations directly through their calendar provider.

The Enable Recurring Reservations setting option allows Admins to configure recurring reservations for the Appspace provider (local).

To configure Enable Recurring Reservations, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Enable recurring reservations for Appspace provider resources.
  • OFF – Disables the feature.

When enabled (ON), the following settings are available:

Configure Recurring Reservations with Conflicts

The Recurring Reservations with Conflicts setting option allows Admins to configure how recurring reservation conflicts are handled.

To configure Recurring Reservations with Conflicts, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ALLOW – Permits recurring reservations even if conflicts exist. Conflicted reservations will be marked with a “Conflict” status, while non-conflicted reservations will be successfully created and confirmed on the Reservations dashboard.
  • BLOCK – Prevents any reservations from being made if there are any conflicts.
  • When recurring reservations with conflicts are allowed, the organizer will still receive a confirmation email upon creating the reservations.
  • Conflicting reservations will be created and marked with the “Conflict” status on the Reservations dashboard, requiring the organizer to manually resolve these conflicts separately.

Configure Enable Deletion/Obfuscation of Personal Data

When you enable to delete/obfuscate all personal data, it will permanently erase or mask all reservation activity for users.

The Enable Deletion/Obfuscation of Personal Data setting option allows Admins to configure the removal or masking of reservation data containing personal information, such as attendee names and email addresses, after a specified retention period. This feature is ideal for meeting regulatory and business requirements related to data privacy.

To configure Enable Deletion/Obfuscation of Personal Data, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Enable the deletion or obfuscation of personal data.
    • Delete all personal data – Reservation data records older than the specified retention period will be permanently deleted. You will not have access to these records beyond the retention period, and there is no recovery option for deleted reservation records.
    • Obfuscate all personal data – Reservation data records will have all personal identification information masked. While the reservation records will still exist, they will not contain any personal data that can be traced back to an individual.
    • After <number> days – Retention period can be set from 0 – 180 days max, defaulted at 30 days.
  • OFF – Disable the deletion or obfuscation of personal data feature.

Configure All Day Reservations in the Employee App

The All Day Reservations in the Employee App setting option allows Admins to enable All Day reservations to be made on the Employee App.

To configure All Day Reservations in the Employee App, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ALLOW – Enable All Day reservations in the Employee App.
  • BLOCK – Disables the feature.

Configure Resource Capacity Check – (New)

The Resource Capacity Check setting option allows Admins to enforce capacity checks on all resources with capacity limits during reservations.

To configure Resource Capacity Check, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Enforce resource capacity checks for all resources with capacity limits.. 
  • OFF – Disables the feature.
If disabled the system will only enforce the capacity rule/constraint and bypass the resource standard capacity.

Configure Allow Visitors in Reservations – (New)

The Allow Visitors in Reservations setting option allows Admins to enable visitors to be added as attendees in reservations.

To configure Allow Visitors in Reservations, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Allows visitors to be added as attendees in reservations.
  • OFF – Restricts visitors as attendees in reservations.

Configure Default Attendees to Virtual – (New)

The Default Attendees to Virtual setting option allows Admins to set the default attendees as “Virtual” for reservations.

To configure Default Attendees to Virtual, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Set default attendees to be virtual.
  • OFF – Disables the feature.

QR Code Settings for Reservations

The QR Code settings listed below contain settings focused on QR Codes displayed within the Space Reservations module.

The QR Code Reservation settings can be accessed via the Settings > QR Codes tab within the Reservations module.

Configure Resource QR Code

The Resource QR Code setting option allows Admins to display QR Codes for resources.

To configure Resource QR Code, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Default to Enabled – Displays QR codes by default, with the option to hide.
  • Default to Disabled – Hides QR codes by default, with the option to display.
  • Always Enabled – Displays QR codes on resources.
  • Always Disabled – Hides QR codes on resources.

Configure Reservation QR Code

The Reservation QR Code setting option allows Admins to display QR Codes for reservations.

To configure Reservation QR Code, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Enabled – Displays QR Codes for reservations.
  • Disabled – Hides QR Codes for reservations.

Notifications Settings for Reservations

The Notifications settings listed below contain settings focused on notifications within Space Reservations.

The Notifications settings can be accessed via the Settings > Notification tab within the Reservations module.


Configure Provider Notifications

The Provider Notifications setting option allows Admins to determine when notifications are sent to calendar providers based on the following reservation actions.

To configure Provider Notifications, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Created – 
  • Updated – 
  • Canceled –
  • Checkpoints – 
  • Check-in – 

Configure Email Notifications – (New)

Location-based email notifications, when configured, are sent to the reservation organizer or attendees at the respective location for the following events:

  • Create reservations
  • Cancel reservations
  • Change of reservation status
  • Attendee confirmation
  • Attendee decline notification
  • Checkpoint notification
  • Check-in notification

Once email notifications are enabled, you may customize the notifications to match your organization’s global branding theme, colors, and logo. With location-based email notifications, you can also include various locations, campuses, or buildings and configure unique email notifications for each of them.

However, this option is only applicable for reservations that have been created in Appspace, and does not affect notifications that are sent via the calendar provider, such as Office365 or GSuite.

Follow the instructions below to set global email notifications:

  1. Click the Notifications tab and switch the Email or Weekly Digest toggle option to ON to enable email or weekly digest notifications respectively.
  2. Move your mouse over Global Settings or another location, and click the Edit icon.
  3. Customize the look and feel of the email by configuring the following:
    • Enable Attendance Block – Enable this to display the attendance response options (Yes, No, Maybe) for the recipient.
    • Accent Color – Select the accent color from the color picker to match the email notification theme for the organization, location, or building.
    • Sender Display Name – Enter the name you wish displayed as the sender name when sending out the email notification.
    • Additional Text – Additional text such as important notices can be included within the notification by entering the text to be displayed in the Additional Text editor, and selecting the alignment of where the text is displayed from the drop-down menu:
      • Top – additional text is displayed above the logo.
      • Middle – additional text is displayed below the recipient information.
      • Bottom – additional text is displayed below the body of the email.
    • Logo – Upload or select a logo from the library to be added as the logo for the email notification.

Add Location-based Email or Weekly Digest Customization

Follow the instructions below to set locations or buildings and configure unique email notifications for each of them:

  1. In the Locations section, click +Create.
  2. Click the Select Location field. From the drop-down menu, select a location, expand a location to select a sub-location, or enter the location name in the Search locations field.
  3. Select the option to Apply to or Exclude sub-locations for the email customization:
    • Apply to sub-locations – the customized email settings will be used for all sub-locations within the location, unless a sub-location has its own email configuration in place.
    • Exclude sub-locations – the customized email settings will not be used for all sub-locations within the location.
  4. Under Location Notifications, ensure the Email or Weekly Digest option is set to ON to enable customized email notifications for this location. Turning it off will apply the global email setting for this location.
  5. Under the Details section, set the configurations to customize the look and feel of the email.

Search and Edit Location-based Email or Weekly Digest Notification

Follow the instructions below to edit location-based email notifications:

  1. In the Locations section, click the Locations field. Select a location or sub-location from the drop-down menu or enter the location name in the Search locations field.
  2. Mouse over a location, building, or campus from the list of locations. Click the Edit icon to configure the Email Notification or Delete icon to remove the location from email notifications.

Configure Enterprise Messaging Notifications

The Enterprise Messaging Notifications setting option allows Admins to assign the enterprise messaging app, notifications are sent based on the following reservation events:

  • Reservation Creation
  • Reservation Cancellation
  • Reservation Change of Status
  • Attendee Confirmation Notification
  • Attendee Decline Notification
  • Checkpoint Notification
  • Check-In Notification

To configure Enterprise Messaging Notifications, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Select a Passport – Select a pre-existing enterprise messaging app passport.
  • Create a New Passport – Create a new enterprise messaging passport.

Configure Push Notifications – (New)

The Push Notifications setting option allows Admins to enable push notifications to be sent to Appspace-registered devices.

To configure Push Notifications, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • ON – Enable push notifications for Appspace-registered Devices
  • OFF – Disabled the feature.

Integrations Settings for Reservations

The Integrations settings listed below contain settings focused on resource and conferencing integrations within Space Reservations.

The Integrations settings can be accessed via the Settings > Integrations tab within the Reservations module.

Configure Book on Behalf / Plugin Passport

The Book on Behalf / Plugin Passport setting option allows Admins to ensure reservations made through the calendar provider, can be edited via the Appspace platform (Appspace console or Employee App).

To configure Book on Behalf / Plugin Passport, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:


  • When configured with the Google Workspace (Google Calendar) calendar provider, the following behavior is expected for recurring reservations when switching the resource privacy from Private to Public.
    Single Event Updates Recurring Event Updates
    On Behalf Enabled On Behalf Disabled On Behalf Enabled On Behalf Disabled
    Organizer Calendar Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated* Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated
    Attendee Calendar Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated* Remains Private, not updated Remains Private, not updated
    Room Calendar Remains Private, not updated* Updated to Public Remains Private, not updated Updated to Public
    *Ability to restore to “Public” via the ‘Restore to original event’ from the Google Workspace (Google Calendar) calendar provider.

Configure Conferencing Integration

The Conferencing Integration setting option allows Admins to configure conferencing capabilities on resources during reservations.

To configure Conferencing Integration, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – Enable conferencing options on resources.
  • OFF – Disables the feature.

When enabled (ON), the following settings are available:

Configure Pre-Populate Conferencing Dropdown – (New)

The Pre-Populate Conferencing Dropdown setting option allows Admins to pre-populate the 1st conferencing option as the default option in the Conferencing dropdown when creating reservations.

To configure Pre-Populate Conferencing Dropdown, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ON – The Conferencing dropdown is pre-populated with the 1st conferencing option available.
  • OFF – Disables the feature.

Accessibility Settings for Reservations

The Accessibility settings listed below contain settings focused on accessibility within Space Reservations.

The Accessibility settings can be accessed via the Settings > Accessibility tab within the Reservations module.

Configure Default Zone Display

The Default Zone Display setting option allows Admins to displays Zones (Neighborhoods) when viewing maps in Reservations.

To configure Default Zone Display, select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Default Show – Displays Zones (Neighborhoods) by default, allowing employees to enable or disable viewing zones on maps.
  • Default Hide – Hides Zones (Neighborhoods) by default, allowing employees to enable or disable viewing zones on maps.
  • Always Show – Displays Zones (Neighborhoods) on maps.
  • Always Hide – Hides Zones (Neighborhoods) on maps.

Concierge Settings for Reservations

The Concierge settings listed below contain settings focused on Concierge features within the Space Reservations module.

The Concierge settings can be accessed via the Settings > Concierge tab within the Reservations module.

Assign and Configure Concierge Permissions

The Concierge Permissions setting option allows Admins to assign and configure Concierge permissions to users, providing them access and permissions to manage reservations through the Concierge dashboard.

To configure Assign and Configure Concierge Permissions, click the + ADD button and configure the following:

  • Users – Assign Concierge permissions to users.
  • Locations – Assign the location of workspaces the Concierge has access to.

    Concierge only has visibility and access to reservations of workspaces within their location they have access to.

  • Permissions –
    • View (default)Permits the Concierge to view the Concierge dashboard.
    • Create – Permits the Concierge to create reservations from the Concierge dashboard.
    • Edit – Permits the Concierge to edit reservations from the Concierge dashboard.
    • Cancel – Permits the Concierge to cancel reservations from the Concierge dashboard.

Once configured, the Concierge has access to the Concierge dashboard on the Employee App.

Managers Settings for Reservations

The Managers settings listed below contain settings focused on Manager features within the Space Reservations module.

The Managers settings can be accessed via the Settings > Managers tab within the Reservations module.

Configure Allow Managers to View Subordinates Calendars

The Allow Managers to View Subordinates Calendars setting option allows Admins to assign and configure Manager permissions to users, providing them access and permissions to manage their subordinates’ reservations through the My Team dashboard.

To configure Allow Managers to View Subordinates Calendars, slide the toggle switch to the preferred option:

  • ENABLE – Permits Managers to view their subordinate’s calendars.
  • DISABLE – Disables the feature.

When Enabled, the following settings are available to be configured:

Allow Managers to take the following actions over their subordinate’s reservations. Cancel and Edit only applies to reservations where the subordinate is the organizer.

  • Create – Permits Managers to create reservations on behalf of their subordinates.
  • Edit – Permits Managers to edit reservations on behalf of their subordinates.
  • Cancel – Permits Managers to cancel reservations on behalf of their subordinates.

Once configured, the Manager has access to the My Team dashboard on the Employee App.