Customers can download the Beezy Mobile app right from the App Store and Play Store and connect it to their Appspace SharePoint Intranet installation.
Azure configuration
The Beezy mobile app uses an Azure Notification Hub to serve notifications to its users. Customers can choose to create one on their own through the Azure Portal or ask Appspace SharePoint Intranet or an Appspace SharePoint Intranet Partner to host it.
The Azure Notification Hub provides the connection string that you need to configure in Appspace SharePoint Intranet:
You also need to configure a few things that are specific to iOS and Android.
- Authentication Mode: Token
- Key ID: 2L7RK5BGYL
- App ID:
- Team ID: U3QYF3R8AC
- ApiKey: AAAANo2fbZU:APA91bH0Q7npFzI606jVUrQYCpnkLgAC6PXZww834Onzz3mslc9VE3HP8B-EoUxmP1FzOMgvy7zpFI7qr0C1nLb1_GPzwVuLqMjPa8TUQujc-ozucPw2jn98SEQtFKb6a64PoghxaQjq
In the Settings page, you need to put the entire connection string in the Service Endpoint field: