The People directory page opens with a list of profiles that were recently added to the network. This page allows users to look for specific people using their names, skills, or expertise. There are two ways to find people on our People directory, using the User’s name or using a Skill or Expertise.
Search People
To search for a particular person, type their first name and/or the last name into the search box, press Enter, or click on the lens using the mouse. The results are displayed alphabetically.
Search or Filter for a Skill or Expertise
We show the 10 most endorsed skills in the Skills section.
To search for a particular Skill or Expertise, type a specific skill or expertise on the Skills section search box, press Enter, or click on the lens using the mouse. To use the filter, click on one of the Skills or Expertise on the Skills section. Users with the most significant number of endorsements in that particular Skill or Expertise are displayed first. However, if users have the same number of endorsements, the results are displayed alphabetically.
To search for a particular Skill or Expertise, type a specific skill or expertise on the Skills section search box, press Enter, or click on the lens using the mouse. To use the filter, click on one of the Skills or Expertise on the Skills section. Users with the most significant number of endorsements in that particular Skill or Expertise are displayed first. However, if users have the same number of endorsements, the results are displayed alphabetically.