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As part of the editorial dashboard there is a new view for the user to organize the stories he is working on. The user will only see and be able to organize stories that has previously edited (is author) and haven’t been published yet.

Kanban view

This organization is based on a Kanban-style 4 columns card layout where the user can drag & drop stories between columns. Each column represents a category the user is familiar with. Column titles are editable (except for the first one: “All unpublished”) for the user’s convenience.

Every editorial member will have the following columns:

  • All unpublished:​
    Title can not be changed.
    Displays unpublished stories that the current user is author of, ordered by last modified date in descending order.
    Stories inside this column can n​ot be ordered.
  • First custom column:
    By default “Choose a title…” is the column title.
    User is able to customize its title.
    Stories can be placed in this column by drag and drop from other columns.
    Stories inside this column have customized order, set up when drag and drop (from same column or another one).
  • Second custom column:
    By default “Choose a title…” is the column title.
    User is able to customize its title.
    Stories can be placed in this column by drag and drop from other columns.
    Stories inside this column have customized order, set up when drag and drop (from same column or another one).
  • Third custom column:
    By default “Choose a title…” is the column title.
    User is able to customize its title.
    Stories can be placed in this column by drag and drop from other columns.
    Stories inside this column have customized order, set up when drag and drop (from same column or another one).

Column order is fixed and can not be changed.

This organization does not affect to any stories capabilities or status (approval workflow, publishing, scheduling, etc.) –it is only an informational view.

Card view

Each of the stories is represented by a card​ with this information:

  • Publishing information: Not scheduled or Scheduled on [Date]
  • Title
  • Authors
  • Colored Status:
    • Grey “Draft”
    • Colored “Pending Review”, “Approved” or “Rejected”
  • ​​If less than 2 days from scheduled date, it shows an icon on top right of the card. Hovering this icon it displays a message with the text “Only [2,1] days left”

When user clicks on a card he gets an expanded view displaying status, authors, title, a body excerpt, date of publishing and an action button for editing the story.

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