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The Quick Links discovery card gives the user’s quick access to valuable resources and materials.

This card has two different sections:

The Recommended tab is set up by Admins, and it usually compiles access to critical corporate materials.

My Shortcuts tab is set up by Users and compiles their favorite work-related links and resources.

Please note: My Shortcuts tab on Quick Links may not be available on your installation as it is decided at the admin level.

To configure My Shortcuts, click on its tab and then click on Manage Links at the bottom of the card.

In the first text box, write the Name of the Link. And, on the second text box, insert its URL.

By default, every link opens in a brand new tab, to change it, click on the Three-dot button and use the switch.

To finish, click Save.

Please note: there are some characters not allowed, the brackets: ! $ & ( ) … : = @ [ ] { | }

When Using Local Entities

The links displayed on the Recommended section of the Quick Links Card are configured by Global and Local Admins, meaning that it could host content related to global and local entities. 

Please Note: this feature may not be available on your Beezy installation as it is decided at the admin level.

Please Note: the Naming text box is mandatory (limited to 80 characters), allows any URL protocol, and is case-sensitive.