Appspace 8.2 Andromeda Release Notes for Cloud

The Public Cloud release notes for the Appspace 8.2 Andromeda platform contain valuable information on the latest features, enhancements, bug fixes, and resolved escalations available in each public cloud release. 

For Appspace Cloud security compliance information and release cadence, please refer to our Appspace Trust and Cloud Architecture & Platform Release Cadence pages.

The following is the release management schedule as per our Release Calendar for Public Cloud:

  • New Appspace functionality and major platform optimizations will now be released under an eight-week release cycle, scheduled at 02:00 CST on Saturday.
  • Scheduled minor feature updates, cloud service optimizations, and bug and escalation fixes are typically scheduled at 02:00 CST time throughout the week, typically on a Tuesday or Saturday.
  • Critical updates including security patches or emergency fixes that support the reliability and availability of the Appspace platform will be deployed as necessary and as soon as it is administratively feasible.

14 Aug 2023, Monday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.4.3

(Private Cloud Only)


  • AE-9593 – Reservation canceled notification received by the user after successfully making a reservation.

10 Aug 2023, Thursday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.4.2

(Private Cloud Only)


  • AP-37440 – Event syncing updated to 15 seconds elapsed handler for Reservation providers.

29 July 2023, Saturday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.4


  • AE-9180 – “Your changes have not been saved. Please try again.” error message is displayed when trying to made edits to the User Group Settings.
  • AE-9219 – Duplicate booking made on a single resource.
  • AE-9252 – Device Group listings are not sorted alphabetically in the dropdown when assigning the device to a device group.
  • AE-9366 – Incorrect resource rule enforced when a recurring reservation is made on a resource.
  • AE-9375 – The “Not Published” filter in Channels displays channels that are published.
  • AE-9440 – Unable to view the complete list of Visitors on the Employee App.
  • AE-9444 – “No content has been published to you” message printed on badges.
  • AE-9446 – Channel Group listings are not sorted alphabetically in the dropdown when displayed in Overview Settings in Channels.

1 July 2023, Saturday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.3


Appspace Employee App

Features Description Impact/Outcome
People Directory

Previously when sorting user profiles in People Directory with the “Last Updated” option, it would display user profiles based on the user’s last login to the Employee App.

In this release, the “Last Updated” sorting option behavior has been changed, displaying user profiles based on the last updates made to the user’s profile page, rather than login.


  • AE-9248 – Reservation start time reverts back to the selected time, rather than what’s displayed in the UI.
  • AE-9320 – The “Occupied at the selected time” error is displayed when creating a visitor invitation.
  • AE-9382 – The check-in button is still displayed and creates an error when clicked, even after the reservation time has been changed to a later time after the check-in duration.
  • AE-9415 – Scrolling issues experienced in Common Library.

4 July 2023, Tuesday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.2.1


  • AP-36627 – Visitor invite fails when edits are made without changing the visitation time and date.

1 July 2023, Saturday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.2


Appspace Enhancements

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Global Search and Office Hours Version Check In order to streamline and avoid impacting Appspace Andromeda features displayed on the Appspace Mobile App, the following features are locked and will only be available to cloud customers on Appspace 8.2-ac.1 (GA) and above deployments:

  • Global Search functionality
  • Office Hours on resources
  • Pages feature
  • User Mentions in Comments
  • Explore module

Visitor Management and Space Reservations

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Reservation Privacy Settings Improvements This improvement updates the behavior of Reservation Privacy when set to Private:

  • Avatars of employees are not displayed in the list or map views when the Show Colleagues feature is enabled.
  • Avatars of employees are not displayed within the resource sidebar.
  • Reservation Names are replaced with “Workspace Reservation”, when displayed within the resource sidebar.
Reservations Services Improvements The Reservation Services improvements resolve the following bugs:

  • The Checkpoint Valid From field does not reset to the default 7 days when set to “Before Event Starts” from “Immediately”.
  • The Checkpoint Visitor Type field is not hidden when the Checkpoint option is set to “On-demand (Services)” from “At reservation”.
  • Not selecting an on-demand service when making a reservation on resources configured with the On-Demand Checkpoint, prevents the reservation from being updated.
On-Demand Services Improvements Technical improvements to the On-Demand Services avoid unnecessary processing actions when on-demand checkpoints are added.

Appspace Employee App

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Localization Support for Points of Interest (POI) Localization support is now available on all resource sub-type labels and icons, including non-global search components, such as Points of Interest.

This ensures users the following localization capabilities:

  • Accurate translations to resource sub-types and icons when displayed within the Search drop-down menu, or in Maps.
  • Hovering over icons displays the translated name.
  • Translations can be detected and read correctly by Screen readers.


  • AE-9072 – Users receive the “Your meeting request was declined” notification when ending an Office 365 reservation from Outlook.
  • AE-9130 – Error when generating a Space Reservation report.
  • AE-9168 – Reservation Privacy functionality does not work as expected when set to Private.
  • AE-9256 – Scheduling content in Advanced Channel reflects the actual time, rather than the 12 AM – 11:59 PM default time, when selecting a date.
  • AE-9292 – Recurring reservations are still displayed, despite missing 3 meetings as per the resource rule.
  • AE-9340 – Resources do not display correctly when filtering via Office Hours.
  • AE-9357 – Ending a meeting via the Room Scheduling card, deletes the reservation from the Reservations tab.

21 June 2023, Wednesday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.1.3


  • AP-36487 – Unhandled Exception encountered when deleting parent recurring reservation.
  • AP-36518 – Unable to create an All-Day visitor invitation for 2 days, even though the Minimum reservation duration is 2 days for the resource.


  • AE-9245 – Unable to edit reservations created through the Employee App.

17 June 2023, Saturday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.1.2


  • AP-36246 – System.ArgumentException returned when querying the User service.
  • AP-36362 – The Employee App Home screen does not load, if the banner contains an Event post.


  • AE-9356 – Users are assigned to the wrong user groups through the SCIM integration.
  • AE-9382 – Creating a visitor invitation to a building displays the “Occupied at the selected time” error.
  • AE-9383 – Performance issues when viewing All Reservations on the Employee App.

14 June 2023, Wednesday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.1.1


  • AP-36376 – Users without editing permissions are able to see the Quick Post feature in Explore.


  • AE-9318 – The label for Spaces is still displayed when in map view, even when it has been configured to be hidden.
  • AE-9379 – Unable to perform bulk mapping updates for the Marker Style and Show Marker settings via the Locations tab.

10 June 2023, Saturday

Andromeda build 8.2-ac.1


Appspace Enhancements

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Library Visibility for Account Owners Enhanced Account Owner permissions to automatically access all user group libraries within an account, eliminating the need to be added to the user group(s) with library enabled. This streamlined workflow ensures effortless visibility and control over libraries within Appspace.
Roadmap Feature

Visitor Management and Space Reservations

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Office Hour Settings The Office Hour option settings bring enhanced resource management capabilities to our customers, allowing users to reserve meeting rooms or workspaces for the duration of the organization’s office hours, ensuring they have dedicated spaces for their activities.

This feature optimizes resource utilization and streamlines scheduling processes and is ideal for when resources are configured to require actions, such as check-ins, as it will now be adjusted to the real starting time of the meeting in opposition to all-day reservations.

Roadmap Feature
Reservation Services The Reservation Services feature allows resources to offer tailored services through the checkpoint engine, providing customized services for reservations, while delivering a seamless and personalized experience to users.

Concierge users will benefit from this enhancement as they gain the ability to swiftly respond to service requests for events that require their assistance, ensuring exceptional service delivery, and the ability to offer personalized services and efficient handling of customer requests. This enhances the overall experience for both visitors and concierge teams alike.

Roadmap Feature
On-Demand Services The On-Demand Services feature enables organizers to offer personalized services, such as catering, housekeeping, and other meeting room amenities when making reservations, by utilizing the checkpoint engine.

These services can be added during the creation of the reservation, or once the reservation has been made, allowing organizers to confirm the meeting room availability, before having to decide on the service that will be available.

Reservation Behavior:
  • On-demand services checkpoints that have been added when making the reservation, cannot be removed later on.
  • On-demand services checkpoints that have been added once the reservation has been made, will return the reservation status to “Not Confirmed“, if the Organizer Compliance has been set to “Required“.
Multiple Constraints Rules with Different Active Periods This Space Reservations feature empowers users with the ability to add multiple constraint rules of the same type with different configurations when setting up Rules for resources.

This enhanced functionality offers customers unparalleled flexibility in managing resource rules, as they are able to fine-tune resource availability and optimize resource allocation in order to accommodate the diverse scheduling needs of the organization seamlessly.

Roadmap Feature
Recurrent Meeting Rules The Recurring Reservations Limits constraint is a new rule allowing administrators to configure recurrence limits in each resource, with the following options:
  • Default Recurrence: How many recurrences will be suggested to users when booking this room.
  • Max # of Recurrences: The maximum number of recurrences that will be permitted to be scheduled. Doing it will remove the never-ending option in the reservation panel.
  • Max Time period: Define for how long a recurrence sequence can span out.
Roadmap Feature

Currently, the default maximum meeting recurrences that can be configured is 730.

  • If the Default Recurrence > the Max # of Recurrences, then the Max # of Recurrences will be increased to match the Default Recurrences.
  • If the Max # of Recurrences < the Default Recurrence, then the Default Recurrences will be decreased to match the Max # of Recurrences.
Recurring Reservations Filter The new Recurring Reservations filter option in Places eliminates reservation conflicts by allowing users to quickly filter resources that are available for recurring reservations based on the recurrence conditions set at the start of the booking process, ensuring a seamless booking experience.
Roadmap Feature
Location Theme Enhancements The Theme Settings in Locations has been revamped, featuring a brand-new user interface and expanded customization options for both reservable and non-reservable resources. An enhanced theming engine allows customers to take customization to the next level, by creating visually stunning and highly personalized environments that align with the organization’s unique needs and branding preferences.
Roadmap Feature
Support for Customizing Non-Reservable Resources As part of the Location Theme Enhancements, customers may now customize the colors for non-reservable resources, such as conference rooms, and other types of workspaces.
Edit Neighborhood/Zone Outlines The enhancement to the editing capabilities of Zones in Locations, allows users to directly remap the outline of the neighborhood/zone without the need to delete, and remap the neighborhood/zone. This streamlined editing capability provides greater flexibility and efficiency when configuring neighborhoods/zones.

This functionality is also available when editing existing resources on the floor plan.

Roadmap Feature
Building People Search With Building People Search, we have enhanced our search functionality to now allow users to search for people and fellow team members across multiple floors within a building, expanding the scope of search capabilities, as opposed to being limited to a single floor previously.
Roadmap Feature
Support for Searching Non-Reservable Resources As part of the Global Search feature, the search functionality has been extended to support searching for non-reservable resources, such as Points of Interest, or open Spaces, allowing employees to utilize wayfinding on the Employee App.
Dynamic Legends The Dynamic Legends feature update for the Map View in Reservations ensures information displayed aligns seamlessly with content currently available on the map. With this enhancement, the Status of resources will be displayed or hidden dynamically in the legend based on the reservations available.

By adapting legends in real-time to the displayed information, users can focus on the relevant details and enjoy a more intuitive and streamlined booking experience.

Roadmap Feature

Example scenarios showcasing the dynamic behavior of legends:

  • Check-In Legend: If a resource does not utilize the check-in functionality, the check-in legend will not be displayed, providing a clutter-free map interface.
  • Availability Legend: In the event that no resources are available, the “available” legend will not be shown, allowing users to quickly understand the current resource status.
Map Rendering Engine Improvements As part of an ongoing improvement process, the Map Rendering Engine has been revamped and its focus has been directed towards resolving performance and limitation issues.
Improvements to the Map Rendering Engine may not reflect correctly on current or older maps, thus Customers experiencing map issues may contact Customer Support to revert back to the previous Map Rendering Engine.
Support for Progressive Loading in Places As part of an ongoing improvement process, the Building search box in Places will now support progressive loading, allowing for more than 20 building resources to be loaded in the results search drop-down menu until all resources are displayed to the user when selecting or searching for a building resource.

Building resources are also grouped by Geo-location when displayed in the results search drop-down menu.

Appspace Employee App

Features Description Impact/Outcome
People Directory and Profiles The People module in the Employee App is designed to simplify employees’ lives and foster seamless connections within the organization. With a quick-to-access directory at their fingertips, employees can effortlessly find and connect with colleagues from across the organization.

Within the People Directory, content-specific User Profiles facilitate the building of workplace relationships, empowering employees to communicate effectively, streamline the new hire onboarding process, connect remote teams, and tap into expertise and skills, ultimately boosting productivity.

With easy access and management of employee information on any device, employees can search for colleagues based on name, job title, location, department, manager, and contact information. This comprehensive People Directory not only saves time and effort but also enhances workplace communications and collaborations.

Roadmap Feature
Pages and Topics The Pages and Topics feature revolutionizes content creation on the Employee App, allowing customers to create articles with multiple content types and blocks, providing endless possibilities for engaging and informative content.

Pages offer a wide range of content types, including text, images, videos, and more, enabling customers to craft engaging articles that resonate with their target audiences. Say goodbye to static content and embrace the freedom to design visually stunning pages that capture attention and deliver information effectively.

To enhance content organization and discoverability, we introduce Topics. This new organizational collection type allows customers to structure and group related pages together. By creating topic containers, such as “HR Policies,” customers can seamlessly categorize pages, making it effortless for employees to find the information they need.

Roadmap Feature
Explore The all-new Explore module on the Employee App brings a whole new dimension to the content discovery experience.

Explore goes beyond the existing Channels module functionality, allowing employees to explore not only Channels and Channel Groups but also the newly introduced Pages and Topics.

Roadmap Feature

Explore replaces Channels, as the module that displays all content within the Employee App, such as Topics, Channels (inclusive of Channel Groups), and Pages.

User Mentions Boost collaboration and communication with User Mentions, a feature that allows employees to tag and notify colleagues when posting comments on the Employee App.

Easily mention and notify specific individuals by using the “@” symbol, followed by their username, when commenting on an article or posting when needing to seek input from a colleague, share important updates with specific team members, or simply grab someone’s attention.

Roadmap Feature
Feed Subscriptions The Subscription feature brings flexibility and feed customization to the Employee App, allowing employees to prioritize content displayed on their Home screen for a tailored experience.

With the introduction of new types of content feeds, we recognize the need for different default subscription behaviors, hence the following subscription types being offered:

  • Mandatory: This is the existing behavior, where users defined in the feed’s audience will automatically receive posts and content published into the feed.
  • Opt-Out: Users (Feed Audiences) are subscribed to the feed by default but have the flexibility to unsubscribe if desired. This ensures a personalized experience while allowing users to manage their content subscriptions.
  • Opt-In: Users (Feed Audiences) are not subscribed by default, giving them control over which feeds they choose to follow. This option empowers users to curate their content and receive only what interests them most.
Roadmap Feature
Global Search The Global Search feature is an enhancement to the search functionality found on the Employee App, while built upon existing capabilities, its reach has been expanded to encompass all modules within the Employee App platform.

Designed to provide a seamless and comprehensive search experience, employees are able to search for integrated apps, reservations, visitors, buildings, resources, locations, videos, people, cards, comments, and events effortlessly.

Roadmap Feature
Concierge List View Concierge users can now select a more convenient List View of attendees and events, providing a comprehensive overview of reservations when displayed on the Concierge Dashboard. The improvements to the reservation details interface for overall usability enhance the Concierge user experience.
Roadmap Feature

Devices & Partner Integrations

Features Description Impact/Outcome
Microsoft Teams Conferencing Integration The Microsoft Teams integration with Space Reservations delivers conferencing support to customers, allowing users to connect and collaborate virtually by adding the Microsoft Teams conferencing feature to their reservations.

Details of the conference call are easily accessible from within the reservation details. Additionally, users may also access conference calls directly from their preferred communication channel, either through the enterprise messaging app or email notifications.

Roadmap Feature
Google Meet Conferencing Integration The Google Meet integration with Space Reservations delivers conferencing support to customers, allowing users to connect and collaborate virtually by adding a Google Meet conferencing feature to their reservations.

Details of the conference call are easily accessible from within the reservation details. Additionally, users may also access conference calls directly from their preferred communication channel, either through the enterprise messaging app or email notifications.

Roadmap Feature
UWP App Re-architecture The re-architecture of the Appspace App for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is designed to deliver enhanced performance and reliability comparable to the alternative Appspace App for Windows.

By leveraging Microsoft’s Edge (Chromium-based) WebView2 browser engine at its core, we have modernized our Appspace App for UWP to provide a seamless and powerful experience

Critical Info

UWP App customers must update their UWP app to App version 2.58.0 or later to retain current registration information.

Failure to do so will require re-registration and configuration of the device.

Logitech Tap Scheduler ADA Compliance and Private SSL Certificate Support The Logitech Tap Scheduler device is now ADA-compliant (Americans with Disabilities Act Standards), by allowing its LED status lights to display the following colors that are visible to users with color blindness.
  • Occupied status: Amber
  • Check-In status: Yellow
  • Available status: Blue

The Logitech Tap Scheduler device also supports self-signed CA certificates, allowing it to be used within internal networks (intranets)

To enable the ADA-compliant LED status lights on the Logitech Tap Scheduler device, add the following device property and value:

player.statuslight.colorpalette: ada


Features Description Impact/Outcome
Microsoft SharePoint Card The SharePoint Card provides a seamless connection between Appspace and Microsoft SharePoint, enabling the automatic publication of SharePoint News and Pages directly onto the digital signage network within the workplace.

Refer to the Microsoft SharePoint Card Release Notes for more detailed information.

Roadmap Feature
Vimeo Card for Digital Signage The Vimeo Card enables customers to gain access to a rich library of captivating video content stored within the organization’s Vimeo account. This seamless integration allows customers to utilize these videos effectively across their digital signage network.

Refer to the Vimeo Card Release Notes for more detailed information.

Roadmap Feature

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