About this Page
Every Page has an About this Page section, that is automatically generated upon its publishing. The About this Page section can display up to five different items: Contact: The
Every Page has an About this Page section, that is automatically generated upon its publishing. The About this Page section can display up to five different items: Contact: The
Appspace SharePoint Intranet version 3.1.0 brings the new Stories functionality. In order to configure this, please go to Settings > Stories configuration (in the Advanced Settings
This article will guide you on configuring a personalized news carousel for your users right in your Start page. This carousel will be a combination
Tap the Menu icon button and select Pages. Tap on any of the Topics to access the different Pages. To follow a specific Topic tap on
Administrators can adapt some settings of the gamification feature to their business requirements. In order to manage the points a user gets when performing an
This section applies only to Appspace SharePoint Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Appspace SharePoint Intranet’s version 4.4.0 introduced the capability to add audiences to communities,
The Spotlight Search offers an easy type-ahead search interface embedded in the Megamenu. By only typing three characters, users are prompted with results in four
By going to Community Settings > Design, the owner can customize the color of the community, the profile image and the banner image. Since version 4.4.0,
Multientity Administration is a feature available from Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.6.0 onwards Since the main target of this feature was to democratize the possibility of
The permissions to create a Knowledge Center are separated from the community creation rights. Typically a small set of high level administrators will be able