Filtering Pages by Tags
On the right side of the Pages for You page, there is a The Tag Cloud widget that shows a list of the 50 most
On the right side of the Pages for You page, there is a The Tag Cloud widget that shows a list of the 50 most
Pages are a modern way to create, publish and deliver corporate information to the right audience in an engaging way. Pages are easy to create
The Pages administration interface provides editing and managing tools both for editors and writers. This interface is available on the manage content menu at the
Pages editors will be informed about the users that can manage categories, topics, and pages. They will receive a notification when another editor or admin:
Managing restricted topics Restricted topic creation In Pages settings > Topics > Category > Create topic, after clicking on the type selector will appear the
Writers are able to create pages and additionally associate them to the topics they are authors of. These pages include a full set of tools