Publish Channels for Digital Signage

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Publish Channels for Digital Signage


In this guided path, you will learn how to publish channels for digital signage in your organization. A digital sign is essentially a TV screen or a device running the Appspace App. As the TV screens and devices are running the Appspace App, you will be able to target them and publish your channels to them.

In order for you to be able to publish channels to devices, a network or IT administrator in your organization will need to ensure that the registered devices and device groups are in the Appspace device inventory and that they are configured to automatically play channels that are published to them. Once all these devices have been properly configured, any channel that you publish to them will appear automatically.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites met:

  • You will need Publisher permissions as a minimum for a channel.
    • Publisher permissions gives you the ability to manage a channel in its entirety and how it gets published.
    • As a Publisher, you choose which devices and users you want to publish channels to.
    • Publisher permissions are granted by the admin of the account, which will typically be the Account Owner.
  • You have one or more existing channels that you manage.
  • The IT/Location Admin in your organization has configured devices to autoplay channels sequentially.
    • If your IT/Location Admin has a naming convention to easily identify devices that are used for digital signage, this will make it easier for you to look for those devices when publishing.

Publish a channel to devices

A publisher has the ability to publish the channel to either devices, users, or both. For digital signage, you will be targeting devices that have been configured to automatically play published channels.

To publish a channel to devices for digital signage, simply follow the steps below.

Select the channel that you want to publish

Select a channel that you have access to and click on the Publish tab to start publishing to devices for digital signage.


Search for your devices or device groups

Click on Find devices to view the list of available devices within the location. By now, you should know which devices you want to publish to based on the information you have received from your organization’s IT/Location Admin. Use the search field to look for specific devices, and select one or more from the list.

If you want to publish to a broader audience and all your target devices belong in a device group, simply select the device group to include them all.

Click on Apply to confirm your device selection.


Add your devices and device groups

After confirming your selection, you will see all of your selected devices and device groups appear in the field. Click on Add to publish your channel to the selected devices and device groups.


Option to publish globally across an entire location

If the channel you want to publish is meant for a a global audience across an entire location, there is the option to simply check the option to Publish to location and sub-locations. This option will automatically publish the channel to every single device that resides in the current location.


View and monitor your channel on devices

Once you have added all your devices for publishing, they will appear in the table below. You can quickly perform a device preview for each device to monitor what’s playing. Simply click on the name of the device in the table to see the Device Overview overlay. A preview of your channel will appear in the overlay for you to monitor.


Remove devices from the publishing list anytime

If you change your mind about any of the devices or device groups in your channel’s device publishing list, you can simply click on the X button to delete it from the list.



You have successfully published your channel for digital signage.

Once you add devices and devices groups to your channel’s publishing list, the devices will automatically update and aggregate the content from your channel for display.

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