Appspace Supported Browsers, Allowed URLs & Ports

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This article outlines the minimum requirements for running the Appspace platform or the Appspace Employee App on browsers or mobile devices.

Supported Browsers

Listed below are the supported web browser versions on the server and for client machines used to access the Appspace platform.

BrowserMicrosoft WindowsMac OS
Chrome89.0.4389.114 (64bit)89.0.4389.114 (64bit)
Microsoft Edge89.0.774.63-

Additional Requirements:

  • Disable pop-up blocker.
  • Minimum screen resolution of 1024 × 768 is recommended.
Browser versions prior to the ones listed above have not been tested on the latest version of Appspace, and may have limited functionality.
Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported:

  • Please be advised that due to the termination of Microsoft Support, Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be supported as of June 15, 2022.
  • If using applications that require this compatibility, users may use Edge in Internet Explorer Mode, but Appspace will no longer support Internet Explorer 11.

Approved URLs List

Configure your network, firewall, or proxy servers to allow access to the following sites, where applicable:

  • https://*
  • https://*
  • https://*
  • Any external NTP server (alternative to using an internal NTP server)
  • Any external content sources (e.g RSS feeds and websites.
  • (World Weather Online) – Mandatory if weather forecasts are for countries outside the US.

Firewall Ports

Configure your firewall to enable access to the following ports for seamless delivery of Appspace.


  • HTTPS (443) – HTTPS port 443 open towards Appspace server(s).


You may configure your firewall to allow access to the following ports only if necessary:

  • UDP (123) – For access to NTP packages.
  • TCP/UDP (53) – For access to a DNS server.
  • TCP/UDP 8884 – Application Networking Manager (ANM) trusted communications if using ANM. On MediaVue SureVue devices only.
  • TCP/UDP (8885-8887) – SureVue mesh networking and ANM communication. On MediaVue SureVue devices only.
  • TCP/UDP (9090) – Chromium debugging services. The port is open by default, but the listening service is disabled. On MediaVue SureVue devices only.
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