FAQ: Customer Information for Alerts to Broadcast

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This article provides users with answers to the most frequently asked questions for the current Broadcasts solution, and also soon to be sunset Alerts module available on the Appspace platform.

What will happen to my existing Alerts?

Alerts are still available, but we encourage you to migrate over to Broadcasts. Alerts are no longer being supported moving forward and will be phased out completely by the end of 2023.

I can’t find Alerts in the admin console, where did it go?

It is still available for customers who have current Alerts. Alerts have moved under the devices list in the admin console.

Will the Alerts module go away?

Yes. Alerts will only be available to customers who are actively using it. Alerts will be disabled by default for new and existing customers who have not used it. As mentioned above, we are planning on removing the Alerts module by the end of 2023.

Can I automatically migrate to Broadcasts from Alerts?

There is no automatic migration capability from the Alerts Module to Broadcasts. However, manually re-creating Alerts content into broadcasts is simple and straightforward. To learn more on how to do that, refer to Migrate Alerts to Broadcasts article.

Why would I use Broadcasts instead of Alerts?

Broadcasts allows you to quickly configure and deploy important messages to several channels at one to reach specific audiences across multiple locations. Simply target users and/or devices with simple or complex rules that allow you to schedule or trigger your announcements automatically. Broadcasts offers all of the functionality of Alerts and so much more.

Does Broadcast support all my devices?

For a full list of Appspace’s support devices and their ability to display Broadcasts, please visit the Browse and Navigate Broadcasts Knowledge Center article.

What roles and permissions are required to use Broadcasts?

By default, Broadcasts is accessible to any user with Location Admin or Publisher roles. Publisher permissions are configurable.

What happens if I have multiple active Broadcasts?

When there are two active broadcasts, one being critical and the other standard, the critical broadcast should play first, followed by the standard, in a rotational sequence.

I have a valuable library of Alert Card Messages in my Library. Can I still use these?

Yes! Existing cards in your library can be utilized when configuring a Broadcast. Simply choose this media from your library in the first step of the configuration wizard when creating or editing a Broadcast.

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