Tag: Pages

Configure a New Page

Pages is a feature that has been designed with user-friendliness in mind, aiming to simplify content creation and organization for Appspace Intranet users. Pages in

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Browse and Navigate Pages

This article provides administrators with an introduction to navigating the user interface and features available within the Topics module in the Appspace console.

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Configure Pages

This section applies only to v3.3.0 and higher. Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) version 3.3.0 brings the new Pages functionality. In order to configure this,

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Translations for pages

Authors are able to add translations to their Pages via direct insertion of text into the translated versions. When editing a Page, select the drop-down

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Create a New Page

Writers are able to create pages and additionally associate them to the topics they are authors of. These pages include a full set of tools

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Audiences allow that specific pages can target specific groups of users. For example, users belonging to a specific location will get Pages targeting this specific set

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Browsing Corporate Pages

This section applies only to v3.3.0 and higher. Corporate Pages provide access to all employees to corporate information relevant to their day-to-day operations through a

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