Configure Cisco Webex Room Navigator in Standalone Mode

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The Webex Room Navigator is an accessory that provides room scheduling features, when updated to the latest RoomOS version. The Webex Room Navigator comes in two versions, a table-stand unit or a wall-mounted unit, both with the ability to run the Appspace PWA in order to display the Room Schedule card.

This article provides instructions to configure the Webex Room Navigator in standalone mode.

If you would like to know more about this or other Appspace-Webex integrations, please find our whitepapers on this site:


Cisco Webex

  • An active Webex Control Hub admin account.
    Appspace Private Cloud customers please contact your Appspace Customer Success Managers to enable support for Webex Control Hub on your private cloud.
  • Supported Webex device running the latest Webex Room OS firmware and above, and configured to the Webex Control Hub.
  • The following supported Webex devices running the latest Webex Room OS, and have been added to the Webex Control Hub:


  • An active Appspace account, with sufficient Device IDs.
  • Account Owner or Location Admin roles in Appspace.
  • It is recommended that the device clock is set to automatically retrieve time from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, with the correct time zone, in order for it to sync correctly with the Appspace server.
    • Appspace cloud servers by default retrieve time from an NTP server. If an Appspace on-premises server is used, ensure the server time is automatically retrieved by an NTP server.
    • Appspace has updated the time zone configurations, which now include time zones other than GMT. This enables users with daylight savings to adjust the time accordingly.

      For more information, please refer to the Appspace 7.1-ac.8 Release Notes.

  • Please ensure your network is configured to allow Appspace Approved URLs and the relevant network ports.
    On your proxy server, ensure our approved URLs are listed in the ‘How to set up networks with SSL content filters’ section in the following article:


Configure Standalone Mode for Webex Room Navigator

Follow the instructions below to configure the Webex Room Navigator accessory in Standalone Mode:

  1. Ensure the Webex Room Navigator device has been factory reset and configured to run the new First Time Wizard:
    • Factory Reset:
      • Issue the command xc SystemUnit FactoryReset command via the navigator tshell.
      • Press down on the pin reset button located on the back of the Room Navigator device to perform a factory reset.
    • First Time Wizard:
      • Connect to the navigator tshell and enter the following commands:
        • xConfiguration Apps Pairing UseNewPairingFlow: On
        • xConfiguration Apps FirstTimeWizard UseNewFlow: On
    • Reboot Device:
      • Issue the command xCommand SystemUnit Boot Action command via the navigator tshell.
  2. Once the device has been restarted, follow the First Time Wizard on-screen instructions.
  3. Select Standalone Navigator, and select the PWA mode and location.
  4. Proceed to configure the device Network, Timezone, and Settings as per the onscreen instructions.
  5. Finally, activate the device via an activation code from the to complete device setup.
  6. Proceed to register the Appspace App by following the instructions in the Register a device article.
    • In Step 6 of the registration process, select the Administrators can select a single channel option for the Channel selection mode.
    • Assign the playlist channel with the Room Schedule card.
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