1. Login to the Appspace console.
  2. Navigate to Admin > App Configuration from the  Appspace menu, and click the App Theme tab.
  3. In the Theme Selection section, select Light or Dark for the Web Client and TV themes.

    Alternatively, the Web Client theme settings can be changed by clicking the User Profile button, and selecting Change Theme. The theme switches between light and dark.

  4. Proceed to configure the following for the Light / Dark Theme Settings:

    • Logo

      1. Click the Logo image, and click the browse button.

      2. Upload an image, or select an image from the Library, and click Apply.

    • Accent Color

      1. Click the Accent Color color picker.

      2. Select the desired color, and click Apply.

  5. Click Save once done.

Customize Theme Background

  1. Login to the Appspace console.
  2. Navigate to Channels from the  Appspace menu, and click the Channels tab.
  3. Create a Playlist Channel, and name it interactive-theme-background.
  4. Click ADD CONTENT, and select the background content to be added to the interactive-theme-background playlist. The following content may be added as background:
    • Images
    • Videos
    • Cards
    • External content

  5. Next, click the Publish tab, and publish the playlist to the device.
  6. Appspace App will then display the customized theme background.

    If there are multiple interactive-theme-background playlist published to the device, Appspace App will only display content from the last playlist added.