To separate the administration and handle the singularities by the different entities, we need the Apps to be separated between the Global/Default entity and the other Local entities.
If the Apps module is enabled when the Local entity is created or edited, the Local admins of that entity will see a new section in Editorial settings called Apps.
The Admins will only see the apps of their Entity. There’s no other difference between Global and Local admins.
If the apps module is disabled the users in that Local entity will have the same apps as the Global/Default one.
For the end user: App visibility is not secured. If any other user in another entity gives you the link to an app, you can see it.
The entry point to Apps in the Megamenu will be the same for every entity.
The entry point to Apps in the Megamenu will be the same for every entity.
Editorial Settings
In the All Apps section, we maintain the current functionality but the Admins will only see the apps of their Entity. When creating/editing apps the admin will choose categories only from that entity.
We allow the same app name for different local entities.
LocalEntity1 – App – NameX
LocalEntity2 – App – NameX
LocalEntity1 – App – NameX
LocalEntity2 – App – NameX
We allow the same name for the same App in different languages.
LocalEntity1 – App – NameX (Lang1) – NameX (Lang2) – NameX (Lang3)
LocalEntity1 – App – NameX (Lang1) – NameX (Lang2) – NameX (Lang3)
We also allow the same app name for different languages and different apps.
LocalEntity1 – App0 – NameX (Language1)
LocalEntity1 – App0 – NameX (Language1)
LocalEntity1 – App1 – NameY (Language2) – NameX (Language3)
In the Categories section, we maintain the current functionality but the Admins will only see the categories of their Entity. There is a limit of 20 categories for every entity.
We also allow duplicating category names between entities.