Visitor Kiosk Card Release Notes

These release notes provide information on new features, enhancements, resolved escalations, and bug fixes completed in every major, minor, and patch release of the Visitor Kiosk card, which is also an Appspace supported card.

v 1.10

Release Date: 30 May 2024


Disable Text Suggestions on Email Field in Visitor Kiosk Card
  • The Visitor Kiosk card experienced an issue in ChromeOS 114 where keyboard suggestions couldn’t be disabled for input fields set to type=”text,” causing problems when entering email addresses. This behavior was unique to ChromeOS 114 and did not occur on our AOpen Chromebox 2 running firmware version To resolve this, the input field type was modified to “email,” preventing on-screen keyboard suggestions and allowing direct text entry.


  • AE-10060 – The Visitor Kiosk card encounters an issue when attempting to search for an employee. Users typing alphabetic characters followed by “@” in the email field using the on-screen keyboard on the device inadvertently remove all text from the email field.

v 1.9

Release Date: 6 July 2023


Visitor events (Check-in, Check-out, Drop-in)
  • Added the ability for the Visitor Kiosk Card to communicate event status changes to the Appspace App when the user does a check-in, check-out, or drop-in.

v 1.8

Release Date: 10 November 2022


Customizing Visitor Type and Visitor Purpose Fields
  • The Visitor Type and Visitor Purpose can be customized by the user, and the user can choose to enable or disable these features.
Assign Checkpoints by Visitor Type
  • Ability to set up separate checkpoints for different types of visitors, with each checkpoint only being seen by the specified visitors.


  • CT-3556 – The Visitor Type and Visitor Purpose are presented incorrectly, and the preview shows an unexpected Visitor Purpose.


  • AE-8574 – A check-in cannot be completed with an email address in which the first character is capitalized.

Patch Updates

v 1.8.1

Release Date: 27 Apr 2023

Improved Printing Behavior

The Visitor Kiosk card printing badge feature has been updated with the current behavior when configured inside cards:

  • Disabled:
    • When the user clicks on the “Print Badge” button, the “Done” button is disabled and cannot be clicked. After the printing is completed, the “Done” button is enabled for the users to click.
    • If the user decides to not print the badge, the “Done” button can be clicked on to complete the check-in process.
  • Auto:
    • The badge is automatically printed. While the print job is in motion, the “Done” button is disabled and cannot be clicked. The button can only be clicked after the printing job is completed.
  • User Action:
    • The user can click on the “Done” button to complete the check-in process.


  • CT-3740 – The Visitor Card accent color does not follow the configured branding theme color.


  • AE-9050 – Unable to print Visitor badges or labels when the “Done” button is clicked immediately after the “Print Badge” button.

v 1.7

Release Date: 29 September 2022


Capability Remove Emails From Host Directory
  • This improvement allows the customer’s Admin the ability to hide or show the host’s email address when a drop-in visitor is searching for a host to contact about a visit without the host’s email address being disclosed.

v 1.6

Release Date: 8 September 2022


Visitor Card Improvements
  • Custom card developers may now retrieve Visitor and Invitation GUIDs from Visitor cards, for easier identification, via a custom card that is used in resource checkpoints.

v 1.5

Release Date: 24 August 2022


Improved Badge Printing Options
  • A new Print Badge configuration option enables users to choose between Auto and User Action to allow visitors to print visitor photo for badge printing.
  • Visitor Kiosk card printing quality improves when produced on iOS devices.


  • AE-8150 – When attempting to print visitor badges on an iOS device, the outcomes are blurry and the photo is distorted, that’s not supposed to happen on any iOS device.
  • AE-8335 – The “Rich Text” of the Checkpoints’ left, center, and right justification settings do not work as intended and instead show the checkpoint’s rich text as center justification.

v 1.4

Release Date: 11 March 2022


Support Custom Text and Theme Colors

Authors and administrators can now change the card’s default background colors and default text in the following areas:

  • Welcome view
  • Notify host screen
  • Visitor check-in screen


  • CT-2926 – The Retake Photo button on the Visitor Kiosk card is shown improperly when a visitor attempts to validate their registration at the kiosk.
  • CT-2912 – UI and grammatical errors on the Visitor Kiosk card.

Patch Updates

v 1.4.3

Release Date: 4 Aug 2022


  • AE-8245 – In the Phone Number section of the Visitor Registration Form, the user is unable to insert a phone number.

v 1.4.2

Release Date: 30 June 2022


  • CT-3165 – The logo on the card is misaligned; it should be on the left but appears in the center.
  • CT-3185 – The time and date are not displayed in English on the card, although English is selected as the default language in the Employee App Language settings.

v 1.4.1

Release Date: 7 Apr 2022


  • AE-7846 – Photo image is stretched when taken on smaller screen devices.

v 1.3

Release Date: 25 Feb 2022


Visitor Kiosk Card General Availability

The Visitor Kiosk card is used for kiosk check-ins with the Appspace Visitor Management system that is used to invite external users (visitors) to a meeting or event held at your company.

The following features are available once the card is configured:

  • check-in
  • badge printing
  • check-out

For configuration instructions, please refer to the Cards: Visitor Kiosk Check-Ins article.