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Hero settings

Stories blocks with restricted content

No Local Entities scenario

The Hero admin can configure the Stories block with any restricted channels.

Local Entities scenario

Global Stories block

The admin can select only the restricted channels created in the Editorial module of the local entity that they are configuring.

Local Stories block

(The following behavior of the Local Stories block is available from version 4.6.0 onwards)

By default:

  • the Global admin in the Global Entity can select restricted channels from any entity,
  • the Local admin in the Local Entity can select restricted channels only from that specific Local Entity.

The Global admin can enable a setting that will allow the Local admin select restricted channels from any entity.

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Warning: it is possible to provoke an empty state (cactus image) depending on what we configure. For example, only selecting restricted channels and the user looking at the Hero not being in any of those channels.

Other blocks with restricted content

Configuring a Highlight block, a Banner block, or an Announcement with a restricted content URL is conceptually wrong because you are exposing something restricted to everyone. Specifically for the Highlight block, while configuring the block it will bring the title, and the image, but once in the public view the image will be gray to the ones that are not in the restricted channel.

But anyway, if any of those that are not able to see the restricted content click on the block with a restricted content URL an error will appear.

Hero Preview

The Hero preview will be as if the Hero was published and seen by the current admin that is configuring it. The admins that are configuring it will see only that restricted content that they are allowed to see.

The Hero in the public view

Stories blocks with restricted content

If the stories block is configured as Manually selected the users will see the last N stories published into the channels configured in the block. When the story is published in a restricted channel, and the user is not associated with that channel, that story is hidden to that user. But in the end, we are still showing the last N published stories.

If the stories block is configured as Personalized the users will see the last N published from the channels(public and restricted) that they follow.

Other blocks with restricted content

As we mentioned before if any of those that are not able to see the restricted content click on the (Highlight/Banner/Announcement)block with a restricted content URL an error will appear.
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