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Writers are able to create pages and additionally associate them to the topics they are authors of.


These pages include a full set of tools available regarding HTML authoring.

When creating or modifying a page, Writers add text, tags, and media content (pictures, videos, links) to them.

The writer can make inline text edits such as Bold, Italics, Heading 1 or 2, Quote, Dividers, or Links.


Writers decide under which topics the pages will be published.

The requisites that a page needs to fulfill in order to be able to be published are:

  • Mandatory: author, tags, title, and body text.

  • Non-mandatory: topics, banner picture, files, or any other data.

Before publishing (while the page is in draft mode), writers can request approval from their colleagues. This action triggers a workflow in which approvers are presented with a preview of the page for them to approve or reject and also add a comment about their decision.


Also, they can decide whether a specific page allows commenting and/or liking from Readers.

A page is automatically saved as draft periodically when a Writer is editing it. Writers are responsible for managing drafts of pages and eventually publish them.

Once a page has been published, an editor can activate the “Featured” switch so that the story is featured in the pages landing page.

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