Create Conferencing Passport for Third-Party Integration

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This article provides admins with instructions to create and configure conferencing passports that provide conferencing functionality for Space Reservations.


  • Account Owner permissions that have been assigned Platform User licenses.
  • Space Reservations has been configured with Conferencing Integration enabled.
    • If Space Reservations is configured with a calendar provider that includes conferencing features (eg. Google Calendar with Google Meets), a separate conferencing passport that is native to the calendar provider does not need to be created.
      Nevertheless, if conferencing features are required from a provider other than the native one, then a conferencing passport specific to that provider must be created.
    • Example: If Space Reservations is configured with Google Calendar, Google Meet conferencing features can be selected during reservations. However, if other conferencing options are required, the passport for the specific conferencing provider needs to be created. 
  • Ensure the service account has been configured as per the conferencing provider prerequisites below.

Prerequisites for Microsoft Teams Conferencing

The following instructions are configured using the Microsoft Teams Powershell module by a Microsoft Administrator.

  • Create and configure a new Application Access Policy by following the instructions in the Configure application access policy section from the following Microsoft article: Configure application access to online meetings or virtual events.
    1. In Step 3, configure the following variables in the command line as follows:
      • New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity “any-policy-name” -AppIds “Appspace’s app client id here taken from azure app registration portal” -Description “description here”
      • #example (production AppId)
        New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity “appspace-internal” -AppIds “c1e058db-deaf-4d52-bd49-3d24d3e3947f” – Description “Policy for all Appspace apps. To configure new apps, add app ID to this policy”
      • -Identity – Policy name.
      • -AppIds – Replace with Appspace’s App Client ID retrieved from the Azure App registration portal.
      • -Description – Policy description.
    2. In Step 4, ensure that the policy is granted to all users, except to any that have an explicit policy assignment.
      • Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName “policy-name” -Global
      • #example
        Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName “appspace-internal” -Global

Prerequisites for Webex Conferencing

The following instructions are configured using the Webex Control Hub by an Administrator.

  • Service Account (Passport Authentication)
    • Create a new user account with the Webex Site Administrator admin role assigned.
    • Ensure to Enable the Assign Meeting content admin for all eligible sites.
  • Normal User (Host Meetings)
    • Create a new user account using the same email as an Appspace user, to be used to host meetings.
    • Assign the user account with a free or paid (recommended) meeting license. 

Prerequisites for Zoom Conferencing

The following instructions are configured using the Zoom Web Portal by an Administrator.

  • Create a service account and ensure that the Role has the Edit option enabled for the Users row in User and Permissions Management.

Create Conferencing Passport

Follow the instructions below to authenticate your service account with the desired conferencing passport:

  1. Log in to your Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and select Integrations.
  3. In the Passports tab, click the +ADD button, and click the CONFERENCING filter.
  4. Select the desired conferencing passport and click Connect.
    • Google Meet Conferencing
    • Microsoft Teams Conferencing
    • Webex Conferencing – New
    • Zoom Conferencing – New
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to authenticate the conferencing passport with your service account, and grant Appspace the necessary permissions to access the service account.
  6. Once authenticated, In the Account Settings tab, you may perform the following actions:

    • Name – Name of the passport, that you may change when using multiple passports.
    • Account ID – Displays the service account ID used to authenticate the passport.
    • Platform Usages –
    • App Permissions – Displays the granted Read and Write app permissions.
    • Status – Displays the status of the passport.
    • Remove Account – Removes the account from the passport.
  7. In the Permissions tab, you may grant permissions to users or user groups to view and edit the passport:
    • Enter and select the user(s) or user group(s) from the drop-down list, or click the Find users or user groups link, and select the desired user(s) or user group(s). Proceed to grant either Can Manage or Can View permissions by clicking the Select permissions drop-down menu.
    • You may also view or remove the user(s) or user group(s) that have already been granted permissions, by clicking the delete icon.

Configure Conferencing Integration

Follow the instructions below to enable conferencing functionality for Space Reservations:

  1. Log in to your Appspace console.
  2. Click the ☰ Appspace menu, and select Reservations.
  3. Click the Settings tab, and click Integrations from the side panel.
  4. Ensure the Conferencing Integrations is enabled (ON), and proceed to select the conferencing passports that have been configured from the respective drop-down menus.

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