Create and Manage Questions on the Employee App

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The Question post feature allows users to post questions within a community. This feature promotes knowledge sharing and encourages active community participation within a collective problem-solving environment.

Community members can answer questions, and view and vote on the most helpful responses, highlighting the best solutions. Users who post answers are also allowed to edit them later. Community owners and question authors are able to mark a response as the best answer, ensuring it is prominently displayed and officially recognized. Users can also search for specific questions, and comment, post their reactions, or share them on other social media apps. This improves the flow of information within the community, as well as provide easy and quick access to relevant answers.

This article provides Administrators with instructions to create and manage Questions within the Employee App.


  • Users with the Premium User license.
  • Enable the AI Translations option in App Configuration settings to use the AI translation feature. 
  • Supported file formats:
    • Image: .jpg, .png, and .webp (new)
    • Video: .mp4

Create and Configure Questions

Follow the instructions below to create and publish a question in a community:

  1. Log in to your Appspace Employee App.
  2. On the Home tab, click the + sign next to the notifications bell button or click the “What do you want to share?” text box.
  3. In the Create Post window, click the Question tab on the left below the Post an Update icon.
  4. In the Question window, click the Post to drop-down menu and type in the name of the community to search.
  5. Click the ellipsis () icon to open the Settings window, where you may set the following options:
    • Spaces – Click and type in the communities where the question will be posted.
    • Tags – You may include any relevant tags for the question.
    • Schedule – This is set to Now by default. You can perform one of the following options:
      • Leave this setting to Now (default) for the question to go live immediately to its audience once you publish it.
      • Click and select a date range to schedule the publishing of this question. To remove the scheduled date range, click X.
    • Author – Choose who you want to be the author of the question.
      Only Account Owners have the option to select Authors, hence this field is hidden to employees without the required permissions.
    • Featured – Set the question as a Featured post in the Employee App.
    • Social features: You may turn on or off the question’s social settings, or set them to inherit the behavior from the community the question is in:
      • Reactions: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off
      • Comments: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off
      • Share: Inherit (On) by default, On, Off

  6. Click and enter the Question title.
  7. Click Tell Us More (Optional) to enter a description (optional) to supplement the question.
  8. Click the Files icon to upload a file, or the Media icon to add an image or video.
    We support .jpeg, .png, and .gif image formats. For video, only .mp4 files are supported.
  9. Click the Post button.
  10. Your question will be published on the Home tab in the Employee App, within the community selected for the question, and under the Posts tab in your user profile.
    (New) Posts, event posts, questions, polls, praises, and comments displayed to users with a different language setting in the Employee App will include a See translation option below the text. Users can click this option to view an auto-translation of the content. This feature requires the AI Translation setting to be enabled in the Administrative Console.
  11. Once the question is published, the following outcomes will take place:
    • Employees will be able to post their answers on the question card by clicking Answer. Once an answer is submitted, the card will display the total number of answers. This includes multiple answers from the same user.
    • After posting an answer, a user can change or delete their answer by clicking the card, selecting their answer, and clicking Edit or Delete.
    • Authors, Community owners, Community moderators, and Inherited owners can Edit and Remove questions.
    • Users can upvote their preferred answer by clicking the Vote Up icon ().
    • Users can post reactions, comment, and share the question and its current answers.
    • After viewing the answer with the highest votes by users, Authors, Community owners, Community moderators, and Inherited owners can mark an answer as the best answer by clicking the Mark as Best Answer icon ().

    (New) Posts, event posts, questions, polls, praises, and comments displayed to users with a different language setting in the Employee App will include a See translation option below the text. Users can click this option to view an auto-translation of the content. This feature requires the AI Translation setting to be enabled in the Administrative Console.

Edit a Question

Follow the instructions below to edit or remove a question in a community:

Authors, Community owners, Community moderators, and Inherited owners can edit and delete questions.
  1. Log in to your Appspace Employee App.
  2. Go to the More > Explore section, and select the Communities tab. Select the community in which the question is published.
  3. On the community page, select Overview from the left bar.
  4. Scroll to the question that you wish to edit. On the Question card, click the ellipsis icon () at the upper right corner and select one of the following options:
    Certain options may be unavailable depending on user roles and permissions and community roles.
    • Edit – edit the contents of the question and its settings.
      1. Edit the contents of the question, such as Question title, Tell us more section, and Files or Media attachments.
      2. Click the ellipsis () icon to open the Settings window and edit the options.
      3. Click Save.
    • Feature – set the question as featured in the Employee App.
    • Pin – set the question as pinned on the community page.
    • Bookmark – add the question to your bookmarks to be viewed in your People profile.
    • Remove – select this to completely delete the question from the community and the Employee App.
      When you remove a question, you will also delete all answers and information associated with the question. This action cannot be undone.
    • Report – users may select this option to report this question to the community.

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