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This article provides Appspace SharePoint Intranet users with answers to the most frequently asked questions to help them get started on the Appspace SharePoint Intranet platform.

Do I have a text editor available for blog editing?

Yes. You can either use the toolbox when dropping down the “+” button that appears in the text body, or you can select the text and use the editing toolbox. You can see the functionalities available for text editing in point 5. Write a new blog post.

Do all the authors have the same permissions as the blog’s owner (in the blog workspace)?

No. Blog authors (invited by the blog owners) can add new blog posts to the blog’s space. On the other hand, the blog owner can create, write, and edit a blog post and manage all the blog settings. See Information 7. Manage the blog’s workspace.

How can I become an author?

You can become an author if the blog’s owner invites you to be part of the blog’s space as an author. The owner of the blog must do this by going to Blog Settings -> Users and adding the person’s name in the authors section (see information in 7. Manage the blog’s workspace.)

How can I customize the blog’s workspace (e.g., include a banner and a thumbnail photo)?

You can customize the blog’s workspace in the blog’s Settings -> Design section and then upload a banner or blog (thumbnail) photo.

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