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Pages are commonly used to communicate specific information or organizational policies.  These pages can take on a common structure with standard elements that can be time-consuming to recreate for each new page. 

Instead of starting from scratch, users may now easily and immediately duplicate existing pages in Appspace SharePoint Intranet with the Duplicate option for Pages.

There are two methods for duplicating pages: either by utilizing the Manage Pages view or by using the ellipsis (3-dot) drop-down menu from the Pages section.

In this release we are unable to duplicate unrestricted pages.

Duplicate Page from Manage Pages

Follow the instructions below to duplicate the page.

  1. Log in to your Appspace SharePoint Intranet account.
  2. Click the User menu and select Manage Pages.

  3. In the Pages Settings dashboard, hover over the desired page you wish to duplicate and select the Duplicate option.

  4. The duplicated page will be visible on the complete list of pages labeled as (Copy).

Duplicate Page from Pages

Follow the instructions below to duplicate the page:

  1. Log in to your Appspace SharePoint Intranet.
  2. Navigate to Pages.
  3. Select the desired page you wish to duplicate.
  4. In the Take action section, click Edit.
  5. Select the ellipsis (3 dots) next to the Update button at the top right corner.

  6. Beside Select the ellipsis (3-dot) on the desired page you wish to duplicate and select the EDIT option.
  7. The page labeled (Copy) will display the copied page.
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