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(New) This article provides administrators with the instructions to create and manage Services in the Admin Console. The Services module allows for the configuration and management of catering services and catering-related activities, such as planning, ordering, and tracking, within Appspace Reservations. 

  • This article is for navigating the Services module in the Admin Console. For instructions on how to create and modify services, menus, and categories, see this article.

Services enhances Appspace Reservations with a dedicated Catering Management module, offering a complete set of tools for configuring, ordering, tracking, and managing catering services. This module allows users to customize catering orders to suit their preferences, dietary restrictions, and event requirements, allowing them to select menu items, specify quantities, and add special instructions. The module also links with checkpoints to ensure seamless menu selection and ordering within the reservation process, and allows hosts and attendees to track their submitted catering orders.

What's New
Features released in Appspace 8.8 Lynx

  • The Services module is available in the Admin Console.


User Interface and Navigation

Services Dashboard

A Service refers to the name or title assigned to a restaurant or food caterer. Once a Service is set up, it can be used to create Service checkpoints to display food catering options for workplace reservations.

  • The Services dashboard can be accessed via the ☰ Appspace menu under Workplace from the Appspace console sidebar. Here, you’ll be able to view, create, and manage services, menus, and categories within the Appspace console.
  • The + Create button on the dashboard enables administrators to create a new Service.
  • The Status drop-down menu allows administrators to filter services by the Active or Inactive status.
  • The All Services section lists the services with Service name and Status.
  • Use the Search field to search across all services by name.
  • The Show per page option allows you to set the number of items displayed per page before you need to click Next.

All Services Listing

The All Services section lists the services with the following information and options :

  • Service  – Displays the service name or title.
  • Status – Displays the status of the service as Active or Inactive. Inactive services and their menus are not available to be set in the services checkpoint or viewed by the employee.
  • Ellipsis – Move your mouse over a service and click the ellipsis () at the end of the row to perform the following actions:
    • Activate/Deactivate – Set the service to active or inactive.
    • Edit
    • Delete – When you delete a service, you will also delete all menus, menu items, and categories associated with the service. This action cannot be undone.


Menus are displayed to the employee as a food order form during employee check-in when attending a reservation. A service (such as a restaurant or catering) can have multiple menus.

To view the Menus section, select a Service, then the Menus tab. The Menus section lists the menus with the following information and options :

  • Menu  – Displays the menu name or title.
  • Pricing – Displays the currency for the menu item prices.
  • Status – Displays the status of the item as Active or Inactive. Inactive menus are not available to be set in the services checkpoint or selected by the employee.
  • Ellipsis – Move your mouse over a menu and click the ellipsis () at the end of the row to perform the following actions:
    • Activate/Deactivate – Sets the menu to active or inactive.
    • Edit
    • Delete – When you delete a menu, you will also delete all menu items within the menu. This action cannot be undone.

Menu Items

Menu items are food options to select from the food order form when an employee checks in for a reservation. To view Menu items, select a menu under the Menus tab. The Menu items section lists the menu items grouped by Category with the following information and options :

  • Item  – Displays the name of the menu item.
  • Price – Displays price for the menu item set for the currency in the menu.
  • Status – Displays the status of the item as In Stock or Out of Stock.
  • Ellipsis – Move your mouse over a menu item and click the ellipsis () at the end of the row to perform the following actions:
    • In Stock/Out of Stock – Setting as In Stock allows employees to order this menu item in the food order form during reservation check-in. Setting the item as Out of Stock hides the menu item from the order form.
    • Edit
    • Delete 


A Category is a method of organizing menu items within a menu and can be reused across multiple menus within a service. To view the Categories section, select a Service, then the Categories tab. The Categories section lists the categories with the following information and options :

  • Categories  – Displays the name of the category.
  • Used in – Displays the number of menu items that are tied to the category.
  • Ellipsis – Move your mouse over a category and click the ellipsis () at the end of the row to perform the following actions:
    • Edit
    • Delete – The Delete option will be greyed out if the category contains menu items. You need to delete all menu items associated with the category before you can delete the category itself.

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