Appspace SharePoint Intranet User Roles & Permissions 4.16

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The Appspace SharePoint Intranet is a powerful platform for employee engagement and communication. It offers a variety of features and tools that can be used to create a vibrant and productive intranet experience. One of the key aspects of the Appspace SharePoint Intranet is its user roles and permissions system. This system allows administrators to control who has access to what content and features.

User Roles

There are several different user roles in the Appspace SharePoint Intranet. These roles include:

  • Intranet Global Administrator
  • Editorial Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Community Owner
  • Local Entity Administrator
  • Regulated User
  • Member of a community (which is a Regular user) 


Each user role has a different set of permissions. Permissions determine what a user can do within the intranet. For example, a Global Administrator has permission to create and delete users, while a Local Entity Member does not.

Global permissions are applied to all users in the intranet. These permissions include:

  • Access the Intranet: This permission allows users to log in to the intranet.
  • View Content: This permission allows users to view content in the intranet.
  • Create Content: This permission allows users to create content in the intranet.
  • Edit Content: This permission allows users to edit content in the intranet.
  • Delete Content: This permission allows users to delete content in the intranet.

Community Permissions

Community permissions are applied to users who are members of a particular community. These permissions include:

  • View Community Content: This permission allows users to view content in the community.
  • Create Community Content: This permission allows users to create content in the community.
  • Edit Community Content: This permission allows users to edit content in the community.
  • Delete Community Content: This permission allows users to delete content in the community.

The table below provides an overview of user groups, detailing their respective roles and permissions.

The Roles and Permissions within this article are based on Global and Local Entities.

Global Permissions

Different levels and roles of global permissions.

Permissions / Roles
Permissions / Roles
Global AdministratorFull permissions in the whole Appspace SharePoint Intranet environment.

Site Collection Administrator

Can elevate others to Site Collection Administrator and can Elevate users to be a Beezy Administrator.
Global Stories Editor
(Editorial Module)
This role has full permissions in the main stories module for the whole Intranet Environment.

This role can give permissions to other Editors, Writers and Guest Authors.

This role can manage channels and assign permissions to Writers and assign audiences to target the channels.
Beezy Stories Group Provisioned Owners Group
Global Pages Editor
(Corporate Module)
This role has full permissions in the main pages module for the whole Intranet Environment.

This role can give permissions to other Editors, Writers and Guest Authors.

This role can manage topics and assign permissions to Writers and assign audiences to target the topics.
Beezy Stories Group Provisioned Owners Group
Global / Local Editorial Manager
(Editorial Dashboard)
The Local Community Manager can perform the following actions:

- Create/Edit a new category in the Organization Structure menu.
- Create Nodes and Sites in the Organization Structure.
- Create/Edit Audiences.
- Configure the Megamenu (Navigation).
- They only can change some parts of the Hero.
- Add and organize the Apps in different categories and make them available for the users.
- Create and Edit the Discovery card.
- Add new properties to the user profile information (e.g. cellphone, fax number, website, etc.).
Make the tags management (find, edit or delete any of the tags created).

The Local Community manager can perform the following actions:

- Configure the Megamenu (Navigation).
- Chose and Edit the Hero template.
- Create and Edit the Discovery card.

Both Global and Local community managers are not allowed to Modify or Create Local Entities when enabled.
Beezy Network Associates
Global / Community Manager
(Editorial Dashboard)
The Global Community Manager can perform the following actions:

- Manage site settings for communities.
- Edit basic information, users, tools, and design (except for restricted communities).
- Unable to edit or delete other users' activities (unless they have specific roles).
- Unable to access the design tab or restricted folders in restricted communities.
Both Global and Local community managers are not allowed to Modify or Create Local Entities when enabled.
Beezy Network Associates
Local Entity AdministratorThis role has full access to the Editorial Settings and can perform the following actions if the modules are enabled in the Local entity:

- Configure the Megamenu (Navigation).
- They only can change some parts of the Hero.
- Can Edit the Discovery card and add new items (but they cannot overwrite global admin links).
Beezy Network Associates
Local Entity MemberThis role gets the navigation from the global and local entity.

This role also gets the assigned global and local stories, announcements and content modules (e.g. hero banner).
Not Applicable
(Local) Stories EditorThis role gets the navigation from the global and local entity.

This role also gets the assigned global and local stories, announcements and content modules (e.g. hero banner).
Beezy Stories {EntityId} Group Provisioned Owners
(Local) Stories WriterWriters can publish articles/pages under their assigned channels/topics, can edit all articles/pages within their channels/topics, request approval for their articles/pages, tag their articles/pages.

This role has the permissions to create stories.
Beezy Stories {EntityId} Group Provisioned Members
Community CreatorThis role has only a purpose when the global administrator has disabled the option “Everybody can create communities” which can be found in Site Collection Administrator -> Intranet Settings -> Security

Beezy Community Creator

Added to: Beezy Group {id} Provisioned Owners
(Local) Pages EditorEditors are those who are responsible for adding/removing users from editors and/or writers roles.

This role has the permissions to create pages, topics and add users as Editors, Writers, and Guest writers.
Beezy Content {EntityId} Group Provisioned Owners
(Local) Pages Guest WriterGuest Writers are accepted by Editors to create content, via their own request (Pages overview -> Send request -> Editor approves the request -> they become Guest Writers for the whole Pages feature). After this, they can edit and publish Intranet Pages. Item Level Permission
(Local) Pages WriterWriters can publish articles/pages under their assigned channels/topics, can edit all articles/pages within their channels/topics, request approval for their articles/pages, tag their articles/pages.

This role has the permissions to create pages within the specified channels.
Beezy Content {EntityId} Group Provisioned Members
(Local) Stories/Pages Author RoleThis role is assigned to a specific page to Edit and Write (only in this situation they can have editing and writing permission).

This role cannot create other pages or stories.
Item Level Permission
(Local) Stories Reading RolesAll users & Read-Only / Kiosk users

These roles are automatically set when the user has no other role in the module.

Stories Readers can collaborate with likes, comments and other common operations over activities like share and report.

Read-Only / Kiosk users can just consume the content but not make any social operation (e.g., likes, comments).
All Beezy Network Associates
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However,r they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)
(Local) Pages Reading RolesAll users & Read-Only / Kiosk users

These roles are automatically set when the user has no other role in the module.

Page Readers can collaborate with likes, comments and other common operations over activities like share and report.

Read-Only / Kiosk users can just consume the content but not make any social operation (e.g., likes, comments).

Access and Restrictions – Intranet Manual
Beezy Network Associates
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However,r they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)

Public Community Permissions

Different levels and roles of public community permissions.

Intranet Permissions / RolesDescriptionSharePoint Permissions / Roles
OwnerThis role has full control over the community.

They can perform the following actions:

- Manage the community title, description, tags and privacy.
- Relate communities.
- Invite and manage community users.
- Enable and disable tools.
- Switch Everybody/Only owners in the community tools.
- Customize the community design.
- Highlight content to appear in the widgets.
- Select Data classification label.
- Add SharePoint apps.
- Can edit other’s activities (through Beezy Settings).
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
MembersAll users
They can add/update content to a community for the tools that are set “For everyone”.

Disclaimer: users can post in a community without being a member if the “Everyone can contribute by default in public communities” setting is activated.
Beezy Network Associates
Read-Only / Kiosk UsersRead-Only / Kiosk users can just consume the content but not make any social operation (e.g., likes, comments).

Access and Restrictions – Intranet Manual
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However,r they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)

Moderated Community Permissions

Different levels and roles of moderated community permissions.

Intranet Permissions / RolesDescriptionSharePoint Permissions / Roles
OwnerThis role has full control over the community.

They can perform the following actions:

- Manage the community title, description, tags and privacy.
- Relate communities.
- Invite and manage community users.
- Enable and disable tools.
- Switch Everybody/Only owners in the community tools.
- Customize the community design.
- Highlight content to appear in the widgets.
- Select Data classification label.
- Add SharePoint apps.
- Can edit other’s activities (through Intranet Settings).
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
MemberAll users
They can add/update content to a community for the tools that are set “For everyone”.
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
ReaderThis role has no permission to edit any content.

They can see community content.

They can collaborate with Likes and comments or any other common operations over activities.

They can share, report, bookmark and send emails.

They can ask for membership.
Beezy Network Associates
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However,r they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)

Restricted Community Permissions

Different levels and roles of moderated community permissions.

Intranet Permissions / RolesDescriptionSharePoint Permissions / Roles
OwnersThis role has full control over the community.

They can perform the following actions:

- Manage the community title, description, tags and privacy.
- Relate communities.
- Invite and manage community users.
- Enable and disable tools.
- Switch Everybody/Only owners in the community tools.
- Customize the community design.
- Highlight content to appear in the widgets.
- Select Data classification label.
- Add SharePoint apps.
- Can edit other’s activities (through Intranet Settings).
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
MembersAll users
They can add/update content to a community for the tools that are set “For everyone”.
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However,r they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)

Corporate Site Permissions

Different levels and roles of corporate site permissions.

Intranet Permissions / RolesDescriptionSharePoint Permissions / Roles
OwnersThis role has full control over the community.

They can perform the following actions:

- Manage the community title, description, tags and privacy.
- Relate communities.
- Invite and manage community users.
- Enable and disable tools.
- Switch Everybody/Only owners in the community tools.
- Customize the community design.
- Highlight content to appear in the widgets.
- Select Data classification label.
- Add SharePoint apps.
- Can edit other’s activities (through Intranet Settings).
Beezy Group {Id} Provisioned Owners
ReadersThey can Read Content
They can collaborate with Likes and Comments or any other common operations over activities.

They can add/update content to a site for the tools that are set “For everyone”.
Beezy Network Associates
Regulated Users (Limited Functionality Role)Regulated users have their own profiles and can interact with the content shared by other’s on the intranet, through Likes and Shares. They can follow, can be part of or recommend any place. However, they cannot create any new content through updates. Or change or upload any assets (e.g. images, documents, etc,)

Besides these, you can configure the Beezy Admins (which require site collection administration permissions) who can modify platform-wide Beezy settings as well as access any community and moderate any content. More information here. Finally, the editorial user management is handled entirely through the Beezy UI:

Editors: manage users, create channels/topics, assign writers to channels/topics, assign audiences to channels/topics, feature specific articles/pages, and everything a writer can do.

Writers: publish articles/pages under their assigned channels/topics, can edit all articles/pages within their channels/topics, request approval for their articles/pages, tag their articles/pages.

Guest writers: any user may request to write a page from the Pages overview.

  • An Editor will grant this permission to regular users access in order to write individual pages (without the possibility of adding Topics to that page), request approval for their pages, and tag their pages.
  • They are listed in the Pages Dashboard > Users.
  • They are shown as an Author on the page itself and under the Pages Dashboard > Pages.
  • There is a way to see an overview of a specific Guest Writer’s pages, by filtering the Pages Dashboard > Pages by the ‘Author’ column.

As a Guest Writer for Pages, you can see a list of your Pages on your Profile > Pages.

Guest author role: are platform users that are invited by an Editor or a Writer.

  • They can publish and edit the content of a specific story/page. But they cannot create them.
  • They are not listed on the Pages Dashboard > Users.
  • They are shown as an Author on the page itself and under the Pages Dashboard > Pages.
  • There is no way to see an overview of a specific Guest Author’s pages.

In Stories

  • Editor role
  • Writer role
  • Since version 4.2.0 Guest author role

In Pages

  • Editor role
  • Writer role
  • Guest writer role
  • Guest author role