Appspace SharePoint Intranet version 3.1.0 brings the new Stories functionality. In order to configure this, please go to Settings > Stories configuration (in the Advanced Settings section).
Be aware that Stories can be configured only ONCE, so take the necessary time to think about the final URL that you would like to use.
The first field will determine the title of your Stories section, for instance, Stories. This title will be reflected in the Top Navigation of the interface.
The second field will show your installation relative URL. Note that this field can’t be modified.
The third field will determine the subsite that will be created to host all the Stories. The subsite will be reflected in the final URL for your stories, for instance, “https://your_beezy_installation/sites/beezy/stories/”. Therefore, you must only type “stories” in this field to create the subsite.
For more information on how to use the Stories functionality please refer to the User Manual.