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During the installation of Appspace Intranet, the user profiles provider is configured with Microsoft Entra ID by default to synchronize user profiles. However, this configuration can be changed if needed. The following sections provide details on how to modify the user profiles provider to either SharePoint User Profiles Service (UPS) or Microsoft Entra ID, as well as how to reset synchronization tokens when necessary.

This article provides Administrators with instructions to configure or change the user profiles provider in Appspace Intranet, including options for using Microsoft Entra ID or SharePoint User Profiles Service, as well as resetting synchronization tokens.

Setup SharePoint UPS Provider or Change Credentials

If you need to change the user profiles provider to SharePoint User Profiles Service or change the configured synchronization account, you can execute the following PowerShell script from the installation package, going to the folder “Install/Deployment Files”:

PS > .\beezy-SetUserSyncProvider.ps1 –UPS -SiteCollectionUrl "" -JobCredentials (Get-Credential) -EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath .\MyBeezyAzureADAppConfig.csv


  • SiteCollectionUrl (mandatory): main Appspace Intranet site collection URL.
  • JobCredentials (mandatory): Appspace Intranet job credentials (username and password) for an account with “SharePoint administrator” role in the tenant.
  • EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath (mandatory): path of the .csv file with the “BeezyM365” Microsoft Entra ID application information needed to use Intranet API.
    You can get this .csv file by executing:
    PS > .\GetEntraIDAppConfigCsv.ps1

Setup Microsoft Entra ID Provider

If you need to change the user profiles provider in Appspace Intranet to Microsoft Entra ID, you can execute the following PowerShell script from the installation package, going to the folder “Install/Deployment Files”:

PS > .\beezy-SetUserSyncProvider.ps1 –EntraID -SiteCollectionUrl "" -EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath .\MyBeezyAzureADAppConfig.csv


  • SiteCollectionUrl (mandatory): main Appspace Intranet site collection URL.
  • EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath (mandatory): path of the .csv file with the “BeezyM365” Microsoft Entra ID application information needed to use Intranet API.
    You can also get this .csv file by executing:
PS > .\GetEntraIDAppConfigCsv.ps1

Reset Microsoft Entra ID Delta Token Changes

After each successful execution of the profiles synchronization job, a Microsoft Graph delta token is stored in Intranet database. This token is needed to process only the new changes in each subsequent job execution.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reset this token. You can do it by executing the following PowerShell script from the installation package, going to the folder “Install/Deployment Files”:

PS > .\beezy-SetUserSyncProvider.ps1 –EntraID -Reset -SiteCollectionUrl "" -EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath .\MyBeezyAzureADAppConfig.csv


  • SiteCollectionUrl (mandatory): main Appspace Intranet site collection URL.
  • EntraIDAppConfigCsvPath (mandatory): path of the .csv file with the “BeezyM365” Microsoft Entra ID application information needed to use Intranet API.
    You can also get this .csv file by executing:
PS > .\GetEntraIDAppConfigCsv.ps1