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Multientity Administration is a feature available from Appspace SharePoint Intranet 4.6.0 onwards

Since the main target of this feature was to democratize the possibility of a user having an admin role throughout several Entities, the first big change we needed to make was on ensuring that all users that belong to an Entity are eligible to be selected as such when creating and/or editing a Local Entity.
As such, the administrator Searchbox was modified to retrieve all available users, not only the Global Admins.
Additionally, users that are added as admins of a Local Entity will be granted automatic rights as Editors of its respective Stories and Pages modules, so bear in mind that:
  • This is conditional on having the Stories and/or Pages modules activated on that Entity, as it doesn’t make sense to add an Editor of an inexistent module;
  • If the modules are activated afterwards this won’t trigger the addition of the admins as Editors, it’s only when adding new admins;
  • Even if the users have currently permissions to edit Stories and/or Pages, they will be overwritten and promoted to Editors when added as Admins;
  • Finally, this is a ‘fire and forget’ option. Which means that if we want to remove an Editor or manage a user’s permissions on Stories and/or Pages, it needs to be done in the respective Settings;
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