Specific behaviors of audience-based members
This section applies only to Beezy version 4.4.0 and higher. Audience-based users won’t be able to leave or unfollow a community in which they were
This section applies only to Beezy version 4.4.0 and higher. Audience-based users won’t be able to leave or unfollow a community in which they were
This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Removing an Audience from a Community is a fairly simples process that can happen
Once the user clicks the Share button in the Share modal, a confirmation message will show, to give the user feedback and the ability to: See the shared
No posting permission in the Team channel If the user does not have permission to publish in the Team channel that he selected in the
When the feature “Share via Teams” is available, the Share modal will have 2 tabs: the first one, to share in Communities, the second one,
This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Audiences can be added through the Community Settings > Users tab, as it is
This section applies only to Appspace Intranet version 4.4.0 and higher. Appspace Intranet’s version 4.4.0 introduced the capability to add audiences to communities, providing a
This section applies only to Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) version 4.4.0 and higher. Appspace Intranet (powered by Beezy) version 4.4.0 brings the new Share
This content applies to all versions since version 4.3.0 Site settings Stories In Site settings, the Site owner will find ANY restricted channel when configuring the Stories
This content applies to all versions since version 4.3.0 Hero settings Stories blocks with restricted content No Local Entities scenario The Hero admin can configure the